Orostead Iced Tea Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Orostead Iced Tea

The typical Orostead iced tea, a common potion, is a specialty alcoholic beverage in Mistville that creates harmless sensory effects with each sip. When made, a tea has enough for 6+1d4 sips before it's used up, instead of a single use. You can take a sip as an action. When you drink this potion, you roll on a table to determine which effect occurs.   The drink is incredibly refreshing with notes of lemon, tea, and cherry, and has virtually no alcoholic bite to it. Regardless, due to its magical nature, the alcohol within this potion affects a creature twice as much as the alcohol within a nonmagical beverage.   Rare iced tea provides more potent effects to the drinker. Llewellyn is a brewer in the town of Mistville who works for the Orostead family and brews his own rare variants of the drink.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink

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