Llewellyn the Fake Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Llewellyn the Fake

Koyle (a.k.a. Llewellyn)

Some priests are called to a simple life of temple service, carrying out their gods' will through prayer and sacrifice, not by magic and strength of arms. In some cities, priesthood amounts to a political office, viewed as a stepping stone to higher positions of authority and involving no communion with a god at all. Koyle was one of these priests when he moved to Mistville.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 8008, Koyle moved into a small townhouse in Mistville. He brought his unique fire genasi brewing styles with him which let him brew special variants of Orostead iced tea. While clearing out the attic in April of 8009, he came upon an old scroll. He could not read the writing, so he requested some Ace Ventura adventurers to decipher the text. The text was directions to where the grandfather of the previous house owner had hidden a trove of magic items.   After arriving at the springs, known as the Ironleaf Clearing, himself and the adventurers found several traps guarding various treasures. It was revealed in the grandfather's tomb that Koyle was an imposter, and he was then killed by Merchu. The adventurers finished clearing out the springs, and Diona started making plans to start a flail snail ranch here in the future.
7978 8009 31 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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