Poseidon Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Brother of Hades, Poseidon was the Olympian of the sea. Poseidon was a deity of waters no longer worshipped since the fall of Mount Olympus. However, like the sea, he was fickle in nature.   Poseidon largely looked like a large, bearded human. Though his avatars closely resembled him, they sometimes manifested as humanoids made entirely out of water at gargantuan sizes. This deity was very volatile, temperamental, and prone to rage. He was known to express his displeasure through extreme acts, such as flattening coastal cities with earthquakes or flooding them.  


Poseidon was able to perceive anything within 17 miles of worshippers, holy sites, sacred objects, as well as any location where his name or one of his many titles had been spoken in the last hour. He could focus his senses on up to twenty locations. Prior to the fall of Mount Olympus, he was capable of commanding most non-divine aquatic creatures, conjure water elementals, and create new forms of life  


Poseidon generally fought with his +5 trident. In addition to this enchantment, his trident could store spells as well as had the thundering and returning weapon qualities. When faced with combat he often surrounded his body in watery haze, providing him protection comparable to that of a +5 ring of protection.  


Poseidon typically wore a tunic and carried his aforementioned a trident.
Ocean blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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