Rosefair Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Rosefair is a town north of Millfort and south of Freyham. It is governed by a council of elders, known as the Rose Assembly.  

Notable Locations

The Temple of Gafsyn, Lady of the Earth

A large collonaded building, decorated with bright lamps and bronze statues.  

The Shrine of Ethemmeril

A bronze statue of Ethemmeril, Lady of Plague, said to reveal visions to those who leave an offering.  

The Hero and Cask

A neglected adventurer's tavern, which serves only cider.  

The Marut

An ancient stone colossus of unweathered stone, where local merchants come to make contracts. It is said that anyone who breaks an oath sworn upon the Marut will be slain before the next dawn.  

The Old Fire Shrine

A ring of broken black stone lies within an area of scorched earth. It was once a shrine placed to honour Locha, Lord of Fire, but was destroyed by adventurers several years ago.  

Faridotr's Masonry

The workshop of a female dwarf stonemason named Alottg Faridotr.  

Meda's Clocks

The workshop of a female dwarf clockmaker named Meda.
Location under

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