Serpentfolk Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The serpentfolk are an ancient warmblooded race of snake-headed reptilian humanoids who are native to Apophis. The serpentfolk are among the oldest of all sentient creatures native to Terra Caelum and Mondum.   They once had a small kingdom in the wasteland of Thay, but it was defeated by the dwarves. The serpentfolk evaded total extermination by retreating to Apophis. Most contemporary serpentfolk are degenerate, bestial creatures prowling the underground ruins of their ancient cities, but a few true serpentfolk remain. These highly intelligent specimens lay plans for their people's return to arcane supremacy, and the triumph of their rejuvenated civilization.   Serpentfolk are sinuous humanoid creatures with the heads and tails of snakes and wickedly taloned hands and feet. Their bodies are covered in fine, serpentine scales. They are approximately human-sized in height, but usually weigh only 120 pounds, while degenerate serpentfolk are shorter and heavier.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants

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