Yuan-ti Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Yuan-ti are a collective race of psionic serpentfolk, who are seen as corrupt and degenerate monstrosities by other races.   The appearance of yuan-ti varies greatly from nearly human-like to nearly snake-like, but all have some serpentine features. Scale colours are usually simple greens and browns, but more elaborate swirls, stripes, or diamond patterns are possible, even in blues and reds. Yuan-ti gave off almost no scent that a human can detect, but animals can sense a dry, musty odour from their bodies.   Only the most human-like forms wore clothing, but all varieties wield weapons if they have means to carry them.   The yuan-ti take advantage of their great intelligence during battle, planning traps and making excellent use of their surroundings. They favour ambushes over direct attacks. If in groups, they send their least valuable members forward first, meaning that purebloods advance before halfbloods who advanced before abominations. Yuan-ti favour bladed weapons. They use slow-acting poisons in their elaborate traps but not typically on their blades.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
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