Shadowtop Cathedral Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Shadowtop Cathedral

A closely packed stand of towering shadowtop trees lies in the Rubygold Mountains. The dark canopies of the trees form a high roof that permits only hints of sunlight to touch the ground beneath. Shadowtop Cathedral is an important meeting place for the Emerald Enclave. The mountainous forest within 50 miles of the site is seeded with awakened trees and awakened shrubs that are loyal to the enclave. These plants hide the trails that lead to Shadowtop Cathedral. If the awakened plants spot a creature openly wearing or carrying the symbol of the Emerald Enclave, the plants move aside to reveal hidden trails. Other creatures searching the forest for trails have disadvantage on ability checks made to find them and to avoid becoming lost.   The primary caretaker of Shadowtop Cathedral is a xenophobic, moss-covered treant named Turlang. He visits the site only occasionally. When he's not at the cathedral, Turlang wanders the forest, frightening off interlopers.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location

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