Treant Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Although a treant's wood appears to be solid as stone, it is filled with tubes that carry water from its roots to the areas where it is needed. Diseases such as tube wilt can affect these tubes and therefore the health of the treant.   Treants are sentient trees with human characteristics. They are typically portrayed as protectors of the forests and antagonists to industrialization and despoiling of nature. They are typically allies of druids and fey, opposing malicious races such as orcs. While the treant remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal tree.   The treants in the forests of Nilfgaard and the east have become hosts for rot grubs which live off rotting wood. If a treant is affected by tube wilt, it will open up a small crack and let the grubs in. The grubs will eat through all the rotten wood, eating the fungi causing the disease, and usually remain for good and tackle subsequent rot. This relationship does not harm either party and older, larger treants might contain up to a hundred of these grubs.   In order to ward off predators such as woodchucks or wood-eating horses, the treants surround their roots with up to six Nilfgaardian violet fungi, whose roots tap into the treant itself, using its sap as sustenance, and they will attempt to rot the flesh of any would-be predators.   In order to combat the threat of bark beetles and leaf ants which can damage the treant, they encourage azmyths and large bats to make their homes in their branches.   Black squirrels feed on the female treants' shoots, which helps to limit the treants' population.
Geographic Distribution
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