Spiritfolk Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Spiritfolk are mystical descendants of humans and natural spirits. These creatures are uncommon all over Mondum but are most likely to be found in Qinna Templarus or Azura. They are loving and peaceful creatures, in tune with the natural world around them.   Spiritfolk resemble humans, but with more delicate features. They have smooth, hairless skin; except on their head. Spiritfolk get along well with most races, they are friendly and noninvasive.   Spiritfolk usually blend in with human societies. They live their lives as normal humans would, but are usually considered as wise or spiritual by their peers. Humans who live around spiritfolk usually assume they are just eccentric humans rather than a separate species.   Although rarely integrating with elven society, spiritfolk get on well with elves.  



Bamboo Spirits

Bamboo spiritfolk can move in forests without creating a trail, understand the languages of forest animals and can hide magically themselves in forests. They are also resistant to magic involving earth or wood, including magic items made of wood. Their lives are tied to certain sacred groves, and will be injured if these groves are damaged. Bamboo spiritfolk look almost identical to humans. Their bodies are slender and thin. Their gold or yellow skin is the main distinguishing feature from that of a human.   Bamboo spirit folk have a strong attunement to nature and as a result have unique powers in regards to natural forces. They are very adept at identifying both plant and animal species. They leave no trail when travelling within a forest or prairie and are able to hide among the shadows of trees.  

Mountain Spirits

These mountain dwellers are physically similar to other spiritfolk. Mountain spiritfolk can see in the dark, twice as far as humans. They also have the ability to talk with animals.  

Water Spirits

Physically similar to other spirit folk, water-based subraces have the amazing ability to breathe underwater and speak with aquatic animals. They typically prefer to reside in lakes or rivers rather than the open sea.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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