Stewart Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Stewart Davis

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once a member of the same order of monster hunters as Abram van Sloan, Stewart Davis supported the more active hunters by way of crafting and repairing equipment and administering medicinal aid. Assisting from the background, far from any true danger, always suited him. Though Davis shares their aspirations, he has been forever gripped by an anxious and cowardly disposition. This made him a perfect target for Abram’s rhetoric.   Abram van Sloan found Davis to be co-dependent and impressionable and spent a great deal of time speaking with him, monologuing his own beliefs until Davis began to accept them. Upon leaving, Davis had absorbed enough of Abram’s words to leave alongside him, traveling and supporting him through their adventures. But this time has helped mature Stewart along a path contrary to Abram. While the hunter grows more unhinged and fanatical, his companion is questioning the morality of their endeavors, especially as they now prepare to attack a wedding amidst a town of people who live happily alongside these ‘monsters’.   Stewart’s specialty is in crafting and maintaining Abram’s gear. Though he has some combat ability, his preference is always to remain safe and protected. His personality is the same way. Stewart shies away from confrontation and quickly panics when cornered. Abram prefers to keep Stewart hidden due to the weakness this represents to him, were Stewart to be separated and interrogated.
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