Abram van Sloan Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Abram van Sloan

Abram van Sloan

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abram van Sloan is a man consumed by the will to hunt monsters. He was once a member of a religious sect of monster-slayers, all driven by the same ambition to rid the world of what they saw as villains and aberrations. But Abram’s zealous nature always surpassed even that of his compatriots. He lacked any of the nuanced understanding of his comrades and saw the world in a strict black and white. This forced the others away, further isolating Abram in his increasingly dogmatic ideology. He recently cast aside any formal affiliation, freeing himself of their ‘moral constraints’ and travelling with his loyal sidekick and lover, Stewart Davis.   The two now live a life similar to that of adventurers. They drift from town to town, hunting whatever quarry catches their attention. These small jobs have done little to satisfy Abram, though the sheer volume of their work has spread stories of a monster-slayer who appears, hunts his mark, then leaves again once the reward is paid.   Over their travels, Abram’s continued success has deepened his zealotry into an unhinged lust for the hunt, while also feeding his over-confidence. The kill is all that matters to him. Abram does not care for fame or heroics and only accepts payment as a means to reach his next, greater target. This same lack of care extends to his attitudes towards Stewart, his “useful assistant”.   Abram has spent the past several weeks putting together disparate information concerning Harrowcrest; the town’s curious prosperity, stories of vampires in the mountains, and rumours from visitors to the region. Travelling to the town in unassuming disguises, the pair quickly learned about the coming wedding. They made contact with Maximus Brandt and Abram quickly discerned the man’s dissatisfaction and secret desires. Their alliance seemed only a natural pairing.   Abram and Davis now operate out of a secret room beneath the Peakshade Inn. They spend their days hidden, preparing their weaponry and plans with the help of Maximus and nightly, stealthy expeditions through town. Meanwhile, the stark clash of Abram’s beliefs with those of Harrowcrest continues to agitate him. With the wedding so close and Abram reaching a tipping point, they are ready to strike.   In addition to his own abilities, Abram van Sloan carries a wooden stake, 10 silvered bolts, 3 bags of caltrops, 2 bottles of holy water, 2 sunlight grenades, and his specially-crafted repeater crossbow. His shortsword is silvered, as is Stewart’s dagger.
Year of Death
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