Temple of the Burnt Tongue Cult Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Temple of the Burnt Tongue Cult

An hour out of Greenfast stands an old stone tower, long abandoned and crumbling. When Viallis Yellowcrest came to Greenfast after murdering his family, Faerl showed him the tower, thinking that Viallis might consider it a suitable site for a summer home. But Viallis, already well involved in his plans to grow closer to the kraken Slarkrethel, saw even more potential for the site.   From 8004 to 8009, Viallis led and nurtured Burnt Tongue Initiates of Slarkrethel, whose members have been working to reclaim the ruined tower site, creating a temple within the subterranean levels below. Though the cult remains small in numbers, it has grand ambitions.  

Crumbling Tower

Amid a grove of gnarled scrub trees stands a half-fallen stone tower. Rough workers' tents, piles of timbers, and tools scattered about show that the site appears to be under reconstruction, though little headway seems to have been made in restoring the tower to its former glory. The timbers that might have been used to shore up and help rebuild the tower walls are years old and beginning to rot. The tools are rusted. The tents show signs of recent occupation (cultists who don't live in the village bunk here, near the temple) but contain no personal effects.  

Temple Features

The tower and its basement levels are of ancient construction, their original purpose long forgotten by the area's residents.   Ceilings throughout the temple are 10 feet high and flat. All areas of the upper level of the temple are illuminated by braziers, lamps, or magical light.  


The stairs descend thirty feet before opening up into a chamber of worked stone. Two braziers flank the entrance, burning with an unnatural aquamarine light. Pillars stand in two rows, each carved with the visages of otherworldly creatures. A fountain flows quietly at the far end of the room in front of a double door. Another door stands along the west wall, and the wall opposite that appears to have collapsed, revealing a rough passageway beyond.  

Arcane Study

Bundles of papers, diagrams, scrolls, and books lie scattered on a desk and across the floor of this room, which is lit by two glowing crystal spheres on a shelf along the north wall.  

Dungeon Access

The tunnel that opens up through the crumbling wall of the antechamber is illuminated by a single brazier. At the end of the passage, a set of curving stone stairs descends farther down into darkness.  

Dark Chapel

This huge space has the appearance of a chapel, its walls carved with unnatural imagery. A large alcove to the south contains a huge, purple stone statue of a monstrous, otherworldly creature with a large, bulbous head, long arms, tentacles for legs, and multifaceted eyes glowing with aquamarine light.
Founding Date
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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