Greenfast Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The village of Greenfast is located a day's travel southwest of Ballay. Greenfast is a prosperous community whose farmers take advantage of their proximity to the new town of Phandalin.   Viallis Yellowcrest is well known in the village, though any people the characters talk to describe the retired noble as a quiet person who keeps to himself. All the villagers know about the tragedy of five years before. They also know that when Viallis moved to Greenfast, he announced his plans to rebuild an old tower an hour away as a private estate. Not much has happened at the site as far as the villagers are aware, though construction and renovations are slowly ongoing, and Viallis is known to have a number of workers living at the tower.  

Mayor's House

The largest building in the village is the home of Mayor Kara Firenni, who is busy working in her garden if the characters seek her out. Mayor Kara is middle-aged and wears her hair in a short ponytail. She is a good and compassionate leader but shows clear signs of stress as the characters talk to her.  

The Bulging Cauldron

This tavern has a warm, homey feel, filled with locals at mealtimes and the end of the workday. Travellers stop in more rarely, and the proprietor, Old Fargo (a chaotic good human commoner), is happy to serve them. Fargo is recognizable by his old flannel shirt and riding hat. The tavern has two spare rooms on the second floor that can be rented out by the day or week.


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