Tharizdun Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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It is darkness unending, less like a god and more like another world. Life and death do not exist within Tharizdun, only utter destruction and madness. Even the Cosmic Divines treat this mad god with caution. In its endless imprisonment, Tharizdun dreams the infinite depths of the Abyss into reality, along with all its demonic legions.   Now, its chaotic mind has fallen into more frightful dreams, imagining nightmarish aberrations into existence deep beneath the Underdark.   Tharizdun is believed to be chained in the deepest pits of the Abyss, bound by divine shackles that slowly weaken, leaking its madness into the planes.   Tharizdun's madness and drive to create chaos have been referenced in Lysa Balor and Iggwilv's private notes, in that its influence is seen in those who are touched by wild magic, such as Wild Magic Sorcerers and Path of Wild Magic Barbarians. Lysa Balor noted that Tharizdun's magic was similar to that of Eclipse's sun god, and that perhaps Tharizdun was related to him.  


Few visual attempts to depict Tharizdun exist, but the texts speak of a creature of rolling, hungry ink and darkness, a spreading cloud of lightless destruction born from a thousand ravenous mouths. Current references show the nightmare constrained by chains of gold and black, barely keeping the dark at bay.  


The few remaining Greschan followers of Ioun are dedicated to ensuring that Tharizdun is never again unchained. Ioun led the charge against the all-consuming destroyer god's reemergence, and her bravery allowed the other deities to shackle their enemy, though the victory nearly cost her immortal life.  

Terra Caelum

In Terra Caelum, Tharizdun's two main pawns are the entities Krampus and Santa Claus. They are agents of chaos.

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