The City of Sing Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The City of Sing

Powerful wizards are not the only ones who create planes, bud.   MALIK DUSTBRANCH


The City of Sing was created by a powerful bard who wanted an entertaining, magical, and musical realm. The cities buildings are shaped like various musical instruments, games of chance and entertainment venues of all kinds litter the city, and Music Lane will cause any who travel down it to start singing and dancing about what they are doing and why. Any who travel there will have an invisible servant tending to their needs as long as they are within the city borders. Outside the city are the Genre Wilds that provide the food and resources for the city’s visitors.

Fauna & Flora

The Jazz rivers, Rock Mountains, Blues Ponds, Reggae Jungles, Country Plains, Heavy Metal Mine, Soul Sea, Hip Hop Valley, Gospel Forest, etc. These wilds are safe within the borders but the deeper one goes the greater the danger.
Island, Floating
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