The Dark Seldarine Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Dark Seldarine

The Dark Seldarine was the drow pantheon of gods.   The pantheon of the drow was "led" by Lolth, the Spider Queen, in the sense that she was the most powerful and widely worshipped drow deity. She dominates the drow race's lives and urges them into heavy infighting. She is opposed to varying degrees by the rest of the pantheon and does not share her power with other gods; in Lolth-worshipping city-states like Shanatar the reign of her priesthood is absolute.   The pantheon destroyed itself due to infighting only a thousand years after the emergence of the drow.   Vhaeraun, her son, was among the opposers. He had the largest following on the surface and the second largest overall among the Dark Seldarine. Lolth considered him her real rival and enemy. The others were minor players. This might give off the impression that the Dark Seldarine was characterised by this two-top battle, it was not.   In truth, the Dark Seldarine were a pantheon only in a loose sense as most drow gods did not allow their followers to give any reverence to other deities; rather, they were simply a collection of gods, some related to each other and some not, whose followers were primarily drow, and thus they were bitter rivals as they clashed over the hearts and minds of the drow.   Lolth's domination over the majority of drow was to such an extent that even information on the other gods was not readily accessible to them. Vhaeraun's existence and agenda was only common knowledge among surface drow and in the Underdark where the Spider Queen was not absolute, in other words, it was scarce where she was absolute. Eilistraee, Lolth's daughter, was both on the surface and in the Underdark the stuff of wildly inaccurate and wrong legends. The majority of the rare few who knew of Kiaransalee, believed her to be an undead madwoman who was a goddess only in her fantasies, while Selvetarm was practically forgotten. Only Ghaunadaur was capable of making his presence known or at least felt on some level by most drow.   During the Dread Reformation, the Dark Seldarine, or whatever was left of it, helped craft Darkon‌ with the Skorva‌ under the command of Lolth‌. The Knights themselves gave humble monthly offerings to the Dark Seldarine in their thankfulness.
Religious, Pantheon
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