The Skorva Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Skorva

The Skorva is the pantheon of gods worshipped by the denizens of Darkon.  

The Raven Queen

The Raven Queen leads the pantheon, as the entity who ferries souls to her afterlife is very important to Darkonians. The strange connection between Darkon and the undead makes her a revered individual.  


Hades is the god of death here, known to guard the gates to the underworld. Darkonians believe he awaits souls at the gates of hell.  


Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty and has many temples in Darkon, particularly the Temple of Aphrodite.  


Since many monstrosities and aberrations reside in the realm, Lolth is widely worshipped by the dark creatures of Darkon.  


Selene, goddess of the moon, is prayed to by all and worshipped, as there is no sun left in Darkon. The goddess Gallosia once was prayed to, to keep the sun around, however her temples were destroyed in the Hour of Ascension.  


Gallosia is the goddess of the sun and patron of summer. She is no longer a part of the pantheon after she abandoned Darkon to the darkness and the mists.
Religious, Pantheon
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