Vapul Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Jack Frost (a.k.a. Vapul)

Vapul was a demon of frost and cold that was banished from Evermeet for being contaminated with Planeblight.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Vapul wore a navy blue suit with a black shirt under it as well as an ice blue tie. He also typically had his nails painted black, and wore heavy dark metal jewellery against his skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vapul was a frost eladrin from Evermeet, known by the name of Jack Frost. He would bring winter to the land of Evermeet and bring the cold and winter to Terra Caelum. He was invisible to those not of Evermeet.   One winter, Vapul was bringing winter to a ruined town, and noticed it was swarmed with Planeblight. He tried bringing winter to the area but found the Planeblight was affecting his magic. Upon touching the Planeblight, he was infected. When he tried to open an elfgate to return to Evermeet, he was not allowed to return. The portal informed him that he could not return as a result of the curse, and would never be welcome in Evermeet again.   Since then, the Planeblight had corrupted Vapul, and he awakened each winter and casting degenerative spells on children that once loved the presence of the joyful eladrin. Filled with scorn, he sometimes cast spells that would stop children from ever walking again, or from breathing correctly or sometimes simply outright kill children in their sleep.   At some point, he was banished back to his unfinished layer of the abyss, and then was revived in the ritual of the Binding of Three in Skirvin Manor. He was stopped by Arielle, Asuki, Cal'li, Arvan and Stefan in the chapel of Skirvin Manor, and his soul was destroyed by Arvan when he returned it to the Unchained.




Towards Vapul




Towards Cloud


Current Location
1921 8007 6086 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created from a primordial block of ice floating off of Evermeet island
Ice blue
Slicked back and grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark tanned, with glowing white veins

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