Village of Barovia Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Village of Barovia

Tall shapes loomed out of the dense fog that surrounded everything. The muddy ground underfoot gave way to slick, wet cobblestones. The tall shapes became recognisable as village dwellings. The windows of each house stared out from pools of blackness. No sound could cut through the silence except for mournful sobbing that echoes through the streets from a distance. The sobbing would come from Mad Mary's townhouse. With the exception of Bildrath's Mercantile and the Blood of the Vine Tavern, all the shops in the village were permanently closed, and the unoccupied shops had been looted of anything valuable. Claw marks covered most of the walls.   When the fog eventually burned off, it could be seen that Castle Ravenloft looms over the village, like a lance piercing the sky.   The Village of Barovia was the hamlet that was most oppressed by Strahd. A hamlet nestled in a valley at the foot of Castle Ravenloft, it was the home of Ireena Kolyana- Strahd's "beloved".   Barovia is a small village in the Old Barovia. It was briefly governed by Burgomaster Ismark Kolyanovich, though after the death of Count Strahd von Zarovich, most of the village's inhabitants left for Terra Caelum.   The village of Barovia was the saddest place in the land, its residents so terrified of Strahd that they rarely ventured from their homes. The village lay in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft, buried under fog but still unable to hide from the vampire's sight.   Until recently, Strahd had been paying nightly visits to Ireena Kolyana, the adopted daughter of the village burgomaster. Ireena carries the soul of Strahd's beloved Tatyana and looks exactly like her. Strahd intends to make Ireena his bride, turn her into a vampire, and lock her away in the castle crypts for all time.   The village was only visited briefly by Ace Ventura when they went to find Ireena Kolyana, only to be confronted by Ismark. They were asked to escort Ireena to Vallaki, but before they could, they were invited to dinner at Ravenloft by Strahd and Narrian.


  • Village of Barovia


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