Weaveghost Condition in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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A Weaveghost is the spirit of a person who became one with the Weave after their physical death, while maintaining their sentience and individuality.   Weaveghosts didn't have a standard appearance. They can create spectral manifestations of themselves, of various shapes and kinds, but are invisible and immaterial unless they wish to be seen.   One of the ways a Weaveghost can be created was the physical death of a Chosen of Mystra. Their soul would "ride the Weave", from where Mystra can gain access to their experiences and memories. A chosen remains a Weaveghost until Mystra decides that she needs them to be active in the material world again, and forms a new body for them. A chosen who lives long enough for their body to be worn out by the amount of magical energies that coursed through it can temporarily become a Weaveghost while waiting for Mystra to create a new body for them.
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

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