Shade Condition in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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A shade is what is left behind when a soul separates from its consciousness.   Shades are soulless entities, tethered to the ethereal plane. They are abundant in the Nine Hells and the Plane of Half-Shadows, as those planes deal with the processing of souls. They are creatures that retain the personalities, knowledge, and intelligence of their living forms, but cannot feel anything, nor experience any true emotions. They are also extremely susceptible to any form of magic damage.  


Shades should not exist, however, some people- when their souls are destroyed, reformed, or simply used in some manner- are so adverse to the idea of giving up, that their determination and self-preservation keep their consciousnesses alive.   This state of consciousness could be likened to that of a Weaveghost, however Weaveghosts are different as they typically retain a lot of the power they held in life, as their souls are taken by the Weave.  

Notable Shades

There are very few notable shades, but here is one of them.  


Anaphylaxis was a half-orc champion of the Raven Queen living in Darkon prior to the Hour of Ascension.
Affected Species

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