Will-o'-wisp Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The will-o'-wisp appears to be nothing more than a hazy ball of light, colored white, blue, violet, green, or yellow, glowing as brightly as a flaming torch. As such, it is easy to mistake one for a lantern, torch, or dancing lights, specially within the foggy marshes they tend to inhabit. They take on a violet hue whenever they are engaged in combat.   In fact, their faintly glowing bodies are just transparent balls of spongy matter, measuring half a  foot wide and weighing around 3 pounds. Although they have no vocal organs, will-o'-wisps can vibrate to emit a ghostly sound, with which they can speak.   These creatures can alter the brightness or dimness of their bodys' glow. This ability is used to confuse their prey. A will-o'-wisp can even extinguish its glow, becoming for all intents and purposes invisible to all except creatures who see invisible objects. They typically do the latter whenever they are surprised or frightened.   Will-o'-wisps have total spell resistance, making them immune to most spells, apart from magic missile, maze and protection from evil.   A will-o'-wisp can discharge electricity, inflicting small electric shocks on attackers.   These creatures display exceptional levels of intelligence. They typically revel in luring travellers away from safe paths, bewildering them.   However, there are friendly will-o'-wisps. They present themselves in a blue hue, and they enjoy hearing the tales of travellers and heroes. They create Wispfires to aid heroes in recuperating their energy in return from a tale from their past.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
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