Yeenoghu Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Demon Lord Yeenoghu

Yeenoghu is special because he embodies killing. He has few ambitions beyond the visceral thrill of rending the soft flesh of his enemies and drinking deep the hot blood from their bodies. He craves nothing more than the utter defeat of all those who stand against him and is relentless in his pursuit of feeding the emptiness of his existence with the frantic screams of those he slays. Butchery is the provender of Yeenoghu, and his single-minded pursuit of annihilation makes him a dangerous force in the infinite layers of the Abyss.   THE DEMONOMICON OF IGGWILV   Yeenoghu is a demon lord and the chief being worshiped by gnolls. Dedicated only to destruction, the Ruler of Ruin seeks the collapse of civilization and he will brutally butcher all that stands between him and his rabid slaughter.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Yeenoghu's symbol is his unique exotic weapon: a huge triple-headed flail.

Physical Description

Body Features

Yeenoghu appears as a gnoll-like creature, 12‒14 ft tall with a grinning skull-like face and a leering pair of burning emerald or amber eyes atop his seemingly emaciated form. A mangy, yellow crest of fur reaches from his head to mid-back, with the only hair on his body being small scabby patches. The rest of his body is pale and gray, his leathery hide contrasting with his taut mane and a crest of blackened spines within it. His canine chest is armoured with a patchwork of discarded shields and breastplates held together with weighty chains and decorated with the flayed skin of his enemies. He wields a three-headed flail in his paws.

Apparel & Accessories

At his leisure, Yeenoghu can summon to his hand the three-headed magical flail known as the Butcher. It is constructed from the thighbone and torn flesh of an ancient god he slew, with three chains ending in rusty barbed heads. Those hit with more than one head of the flail can suffer from mental confusion and paralysis and it bleeds ichor when used in battle. Only when the Beast of Butchery holds his flail do the powers of the three heads manifest. He can also will the chain to fly independently into battle while he himself tears his enemies to shreds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yeenoghu's desires are savage in nature, wanting slaughter and destruction above all else. He takes great pleasure in inflicting terror and sorrow before his victims' deaths, destroying treasured possessions and crushing their hopes. He despises civilisation and if he were to conquer other realms, abyssal or otherwise, he would not attempt to rebuild their former structures. To the Beast of Butchery, the gnolls are both his instruments and children, whom he seeks to use to bring his ideal world to fruition. Such a world would be one of endless combat and brutality, where gnolls rule supreme and all other creatures would be either slaves or food. Ultimately when the mortal world possesses one final champion he would challenge them to battle, slay them, and preside victoriously in his version of paradise; a wasteland of decaying corpses, in an absolutely ruined world.   Despite his savage nature, Yeenoghu is not stupid, being capable of subtlety and trickery, but merely choosing not to use it in most circumstances. He actively encourages the arrival of new races into his followers, recognising the lack of his people's unity. Counting among the Lord of Savagery's favourite demons are barlguras, dretches, hezrous, manes, and especially maw demons, all appreciated for their bestial natures. With any entity that does not serve him, he will not waste any time on discourse, leaping boldly into battle until he becomes bored.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Gnolls, Gnoll Lord, Lord of Savagery, Beast of Butchery, Ruler of Ruin, and Destroyer.
Year of Birth
6912 1098 Years old

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