Yeti Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Miros Xelbrin (a.k.a. Yeti)

Miros is an elder member of the Fellowship of Innkeepers guild and, as such, must operate within the strictures of his guild. His name is Miros Xelbrin, and he's a retired carnival attraction-dubbed "Yeti" during his heyday because of his barrel-shaped body and the thick, white hair covering his arms, chest, back, and head.   Miros is a staunch supporter of the Emerald Enclave and offers free room and board to members of the organization and their companions. His rooms are spacious and comfortable, his food plentiful and delicious (made with only the freshest ingredients). He has little tolerance for rabble-rousers and can spot adventurers from a mile away. Miros employs a staff of twenty cleaners and servers. He sells a local brand of beer called Goldengulp, though the first flagon to a new customer is always free.   Miros staunchly supports the Emerald Enclave's goals. For him, it is okay if people joke about him, but not about his inn or his employers, in which case he descends into a rage.
Current Location
Year of Birth
7965 45 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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