Northfurrow's End Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Northfurrow's End

Standing north of the town of Goldenfields is a three-story stone edifice with arched windows that offer a view of the surrounding gardens. Thin plumes of smoke issue from its many chimneys on rainy days and cold nights. Life-size statues of rearing horses flank the double doors that lead to the common room. Above these doors hangs a wooden sign that proclaims the name of this grand establishment, Northfurrow's End, in fancy lettering. West of the main building is a stable house that can hold and feed up to fifty horses.   The proprietor of the inn is an elder member of the Fellowship of Innkeepers guild of Anthor and, as such, must operate within the strictures of his guild. His name is Miros Xelbrini, and he's a retired carnival attraction-dubbed "the Yeti" during his heyday because of his barrel-shaped body and the thick, white hair covering his arms, chest, back, and head.   Miros is a staunch supporter of the Emerald Enclave and offers free room and board to members of the organization and their companions. His rooms are spacious and comfortable, his food plentiful and delicious (made with only the freshest ingredients). He has little tolerance for rabble-rousers and can spot adventurers from a mile away. Miros employs a staff of twenty cleaners and servers. He sells a local brand of beer called Goldengulp, though the first flagon to a new customer is always free.   In the back of Northfurrow's End is a pottery kiln that Miros uses to make the inn's trademark flagons. These large, varnished clay mugs have sheaves of golden wheat painted on their sides. Miros doesn't sell these minor works of art, but the mugs are occasionally stolen and sold elsewhere.  

Typical Inn Patrons

Naxene Drathkala

One of the patrons of Northfurrow's End at present is a visitor from Anthor. The Alliance's Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors has an agreement with the abbot. Every midwinter, the guild sends one of its members to Goldenfields as a sign of its commitment to protecting Anthor's interests. The wizard serves for one year and acts as a liaison between the city and the abbot, while also aiding in the defence of Goldenfields. The guild's current attaché is Naxene Drathkala, a quiet and bookish young woman who lives in a lavishly furnished suite above the inn's stable house and spends most of her time writing papers on subjects both arcane and esoteric. In addition to being a member of the Watchful Order, Naxene is a loyal spy for Lady Laeral Silverhand. Miros has tried to court Naxene, but she ignores his halting advances. Naxene typically sits with Ivan at Table B.  

Oren Yogilvy

A halfling singer and piano player named Oren Yogilvy is the only permanent resident of the inn among them. He has a fondness for Goldengulp and gets free room and board for keeping the residents of Goldenfields entertained. After a few drinks, Oren likes to wander the compound in search of inspiration and often wakes up in a field the morning after.  

Cait Sídhe

Cait is a rogueish character who works as an agent of the Unchained, observing the happenings in the east. She is particularly interested in the recent giant attacks since the Shattering of the Ordning . She typically sits alone at Table A.  

Grandma Maggie

Leaning against the doorframe is a limping old woman with a cane called 'Grandma Maggie' by everyone. Nobody knows whose grandmother she actually is, they've always called her that. She doesn't hesitate to give out spankings for bad behaviour, but she has to brace herself since she's not as stable as she used to be.  

Darlan the Human

Darlan is a swarthy, golden-eyed man with dark hair that drinks alone at the bar. With little provocation, he will inform you he isn't a tiefling, and that he was just born a little different. His grandfather was a priest of Gallosia, and there is no demonic line in his family, thank you very much.  


Blart is a bugbear who comes from a faraway tribe, that collapsed due to lack of food. Despite the deaths of his people, Blarg is a barbarian of the ancestral guardian path, and the deaths of his people empower him. He speaks in a loud squeaky voice, and sits with other bugbears at Table D.  


Ivan is an elderly paladin deep in thought at Table B with Naxene. He is her bodyguard. He feels he is too old to stop a lich that he has been chasing for years.  


Hoid is a half elf bard who uses a magical guitar to animate the smoke from the fireplace to make visuals for his stories. He tells only children's stories, fairy tale style things that all end in moral lessons.  


Felsa is a female nekomata who can manipulate ice magic that serves as a fence for stolen goods.  

Veiled Woman

A heavily veiled woman in a very low-cut and tight dress makes eyes at men as they walk by; she is in reality the wife of a local noble looking to catch her philandering husband, who unbeknownst to her is involved in something far different than simple adultery...  


Gaius is a satyr cleric of Gafsyn who happily travels the wilderness. He is a good friend of Kyran and cares deeply for him.  


Kyran is a human beastmaster ranger with an affinity for bird familiars. He will gladly help an animal in need of aid. He has fluffy brown hair, scars upon his face from animals he had tried to tame, and is a good friend of Gaius and Zi Liang.


  • Northfurrow's End
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