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London (luhn-duhn)

The Eternal City. Albion's Pearl. Luxian's Light.

London has had many monikers throughout history, most of which avoid the realities of a major city, namely that they tend to be rat-infested open sewers overflowing with the effluvia of humanity.
Or at least that's how the elves would describe it.

In truth, London is a major hub for just about everything imaginable. There are the legitimate markets, both magical and mundane, of course, but there's also the pale, clammy underbelly that creeps down alleyways and beneath the city proper, in and among the ancient city's ruins and catacombs.

So it has always been.

So it will always be.


As a trading hub, London sees a lot more unusual people than most of the rest of Albion. While there are plenty of fae, feylings, and elves like the rest of Albion, London also sees a significant number of kender, hurokin, and beastfolk. Dwarves and gnomes don't tend to settle in London, seeing it as too noisy and too far away from the business they prefer to conduct, but there are certainly some around. Likewise, elementals of all stripes and concubi tend to avoid cities in the earlier eras (pre-1900) due to bigotry. Of course, some enter regardless.
Financially, there are massive fluctuations over time, from absolute, enforced equality, to wildly out of control inequality.

A quick rundown:
  • Pre-The Silver Hand:
  • Massive financial inequality
  • Restricted immigration
  • No elementals, no concubi
  • Limited kender, hurokin, certain beastfolk (predators)
  • Post-The Silver Hand to Amongst the Goblins & the Fishes:
  • Some financial equality
  • Very restricted immigration
  • No elementals, concubi, kender, certain beastfolk (predators)
  • Limited gnomes, dwarves, hurokin, other beastfolk (omnivores/herbivores)
  • Post-Amongst the Goblins & the Fishes to Albion Nights:
  • Massive financial inequality
  • Relaxed immigration
  • Limited elementals, concubi
  • Post-Albion Nights to Bonds of Trust:
  • General trend towards equality
  • Open immigration after 1900
  • Districts

  • Lambeth
  • Islington
  • Shoreditch
  • Hanover Square
  • Paddington
  • Bethnal Green
  • Surrey
  • Camberwell
  • Westminster
  • Chelsea
  • Kensington
  • Middlesex
  • Southwark
  • Woolwich
  • Rotherhithe
  • Hampstead
  • Whitechapel
  • Greenwich
  • Wandsworth
  • Hackney
  • Holborn
  • Strand
  • Fulham
  • Limehouse
  • Poplar
  • Plumstead
  • Lewisham
  • Guilds and Factions

  • Gentry (nobility)
  • Progressive Gentry
  • Conservative Gentry
  • Municipal Ministers
  • Temples
  • Industrial Guilds
  • Freighters' Guild
  • Service Guilds
  • Merchant Guilds
  • Association of Friends
  • District-based Gangs
  • Interest-based Brokers
  • Fences, Forgers, etc.
  • History

    London was once little more than a bridge over the river Thames, until a part of the Roman exploratory team decided to set up camp there, calling it "Linden Grove", which over time became known simply as "Linden". Native Britons traded with the Roman explorers, and over time the camp became a trading post, then a village, and so on over the next thousand years.

    By the 1000s, London was already a thriving city, convenient for its riverside ports, road networks, and lush countryside. Some of the first magical schools were formed during this period, turning magic from something that was taught by a master to single apprentice, into something that could be taught at scale.

    By the 1700s, London was an internationally known metropolis, fascinating millions who would turn up for regular holidays and events which couldn't be seen anywhere else, such as The Great Hunt, May Day, or public druid ceremonies for the solstices and equinoxes.

    By the end of the 19th century, London's influence was on the decline. The economy was in shambles, poverty and crime were rampant, and the ruling classes cared only for their own interests. From January to June of 1900, workers staged the largest protest in London's history, bringing the government officials to their knees and forcing a dramatic redistribution of wealth. Nobility was abolished entirely, having been on the decline since the early 1700s, and massive public works projects were undertaken to improve the everyday lives of London's population, no matter their station.

    Well into the 21st century, London is still a major hub for trade, both magical and mundane. While its influence never regained the heights seen in the 1700s, it is considered a city unparalleled in its acceptance of all manner of fey and elves, and its development of magical theories and technology.


    Features many styles over the centuries.
  • The Silver Hand (1000s): stone buildings (nobility), strawbale or mud homes with tile roofs (wealthier), wood homes with thatch roofs (poor).
  • Amongst the Goblins & the Fishes (1700s): Gothic style in stone buildings (wealthy), strawbale homes (middle class), wood or mud homes (poor).
  • Albion Nights (1880s): Primarily still Gothic in style, most older buildings are made primarily of stone, often with wood roofs. Newer buildings are either brick (in the case of wealthier folks), strawbale (middle class), or wood (poor).
  • Bonds of Trust (2020s): Most modern homes are made of compacted, magically sealed strawbales supported by wooden beams, while larger buildings use a stable vacuum between the inner and outer walls to provide insulation while keeping the building light enough to withstand the tonnes of weight from multiple floors. These inner and outer walls often have a veneer of fine stone, such as marble tile, but the main walls are made of a delicate latticework of classical linoleum, a biodegradable material.
  • Climate

    London, like most of Albion, is very damp, with warm, wet summers and cold, frosty winters. London in particular tends to run to the extremes of Albion's climate, due to its underground network of tunnels, caves, and catacombs.

    Founding Date
    50 CE
    Alternative Name(s)
    Linden Grove, Linden
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Characters in Location


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    Dec 3, 2022 06:58 by Miles Kayden

    The architecture is SO interesting to me, so thought out with the different classes too!