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Alwyn Stormwind

Alwyn Stormwind

Physical Description

Facial Features

A crisscross of scars crosses his nose and cheeks. His frosty blue eyes reflect light like a cat's.

Special abilities

Although not as powerful a true magic, Alwyn can warp the Weave slightly to give himself an edge in an fight.

Apparel & Accessories

Because of his nature, Alwyn dresses in a way that allows him to be able to slip away if needed, otherwise he's hard to miss. He can usually be seen in dark color shirts and pants, still wearing the gauntlets and boots of his armor.  His simple, silver earing allows him to don and doff his armor in a heartbeat.

Specialized Equipment

He wields a sword fashioned in the image of Draco Elara's sword, the Dragon tongue longsword. The sword burns with an icy-blue flame. Alwyn's shield is adorned with the crest of the Council, the skull of a dragon. A simple, silver earing pierces his ear, he can use it to don and doff his armor and store it in the earing's pocket dimension.

Mental characteristics


While not as well-read as others, Alwyn is studied in multiple forms of swordplay, unarmed combat, and military tactics.


Alwyn was a mercenary from the Warrior's Guild when he was hired by the Council. The Council uses him as an extension of their will.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Alwyn is slow to anger but unless one of his own is involved.

Vices & Personality flaws

When it comes to members of his band, Alwyn is loyal to a fault. His usual tolerant nature is unseen when one of his own is in danger.


Contacts & Relations

As an Agent of the Council, Alwyn, or at least the crest he bears, is know throughout Moorgate.
Current Location
1270 AR 1300 AR 30 years old
Place of Death
Deep, sky blue(almost seems to glow like a cat in torchlight)
Slightly tanned with various nicks and brusis
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish

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