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Wolfe Wintermere

Sir Wolfe "Stormblade" Wintermere

Physical Description

Facial Features

Wolfe had shoulder length white hair and a well kept beard. A scar crosses the left side of his face.

Identifying Characteristics

Wolfe's stature, while not as striking as some people in Moorgate, was a familiar one among the Warrior's Guild. He tended to be easily recognized by his pale blue eyes, one of which was covered with an eyepatch from the damage it received when he got his scar.

Apparel & Accessories

He usually wore simple clothes with little armor. A simple tunic with a leather pauldron and leather belt overtop.

Specialized Equipment

Wolfe was usually seen carrying a greatsword crafted from an alloy of Draconic Iron and Adamantine. The blade, called Fang of the Mountain, is covered in runes that infuse it with the power of the tempest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wolfe Wintermere was born on the 17th of {May}, 1205OR to {Mother} and {Father}. His father was the captain of the guard in Riverbourne and his mother was an ex-adventurer. Growing up he heard tales of his Mother's adventures, and wished for the same fame and fortune she gained. When he came of age, he set out to make a name for himself. His first years as an adventurer brought him the fame and fortune he wanted.

Personality Characteristics


When Wolfe started adventuring, he was just after fame and fortune. He eventually shifted his views when he joined the Warrior's Guild. Still searching for fame and fortune to some extent, but he mainly looked to help people in need. Later in life, he realized that it was his duty as a senior adventurer to help the up and coming adventurers. In the last few months of his life, he wrote a sort of journal giving tips to these newer adventures.(see: Journal of the Adventurer's Spirit)
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Stormblade   Guildmaster of the Warrior's Guild
Date of Birth
Date of Death
1205 AR 1300 AR 95 years old
Pale blue
Shoulder length, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
white with slight tan
6' 2"
Aligned Organization

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  • 1205 AR

    17 /5

    Birth of Wolfe WIntermere
    Life, Birth

  • 1223 AR

    22 /7

    Wolfe joined started adventuring
    Life, Career

    Wolfe started his adventuring career two months after his 18th birthday.

  • 1300 AR

    15 /3

    Wolfe started writing Journal of the Adventurer's Spirit
    Artistic creation

    Wolfe started writing the book, Journal of the Adventurer's Spirit.

  • 1300 AR

    1 /11

    Death of Wolfe Wintermere
    Life, Death


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