Cult of Cariyanna

The Cult of Cariyanna is a decentrailzed group of people from around Terra that believe beauty is not something that comes from within, but comes from without. Members are typically easily identified as they wear large victorian-era gowns, speak in period accents that can be considered 'beautiful', and most notably have their heads entirely covered by the dress as well.


The Cult of Cariyanna is mostly decentralized and the group typically only comes together for meetings on special holidays related to their organization or when inducting new members. Between this and their beliefs, there are no hard titles within the cult outside of acknowledging their founder and leader as such.


The Cult of Cariyanna beleive that anyonme can be beautiful, but the beauty of a person is not dependent on what's on the inside, but what can be done about the outside. All members of the cult wear full body victorian-era gowns that trail just a few inches above the ground and wrap up around their heads, entirely obscuring manes, faces, and any defining details about them. The only features to differntiate them from each other are the color and style of their gowns as well as the choice of decoration atop their large hats.

Public Agenda

The Cult of Cariyanna wishes to see their ideals and values spread throughout the world, beleiving in a better and more beautiful Terra. They one day wish to have the goddess they worship bless them with her support as well, as they pereive themselves as doing her work.


The cult is the most well-funded of all the cults, having incredibly wealthy members from around the world, allowing them access to things most other cults typically do not. Beyond this, they have access to a magic fiber weave that they make their gowns out of. Some say the fiber is animated or alive.


Its unknown when the cult was officially founded, but reports of the begowned women have been reported as far back as 1230 years ago in Ereian. Since then, sightings have been reported in other corners of Terra as well.

Divine Origins

Many years ago, the goddess of beauty, Cariyanna, appeared to Spectral Step and imparted a wisdom; "Beauty is what you make it." Taking this to heart, Spectral Step wove herself a gown of enchanted fibers. However, no matter what she did, she was never fully satissfied with the design, with the fit, the bell, the size. Something was always not quite right and being unable to 'make' her beauty, she wept angry tears over her creation. Doing so, a wall broke within the mare's mind that day and dark magic, fueled by her despair poured out from her horn, washing over the magical threads of the gown. In an instant, the dress was animated and was upon her, sensing her desires, being born from them. Ribbons and threads reweaved and formed around her, leaving not a single inch of skin visible, not even her head, all concealed within the beautiful gown. Much of this story is not shared by Spectral Step however, condensing it down to having heard the word of the goddess and being granted her gown as a gift, as well as the ability to create more.

Tenets of Faith

Exposed skin is taboo. Beauty comes from what a member is able to make of themselves and that means a gown that is created for them by the cult itself. Tend to your gown and do as it wants. Being animated, the gowns of cult members will occassionally signal some sort of want or need, but these tend to die down once satiated and do not manifest often for most members. The faithful will be rewarded, but those that guide others down the path of true beauty will be blessed. All members work to recruit new followers on their own time, as the cult is spread far and thin, not having the typical propoganda to push that others might.


It is considered a blessing upon an outsider to be granted entry into their following, to be granted a gown of one's own, thus long-time members do not respond well to resistence from new members and will often 'help' them by restraining them until their down with their fit.


Worship is conducted by membership alone, all but sealing one's self inside their gown in the name of 'beauty'.

Granted Divine Powers

The members of the cult are surprisingly dextrous and light on their feet, despite appearences. Attempting to fight one will rarely end positively for you and possibly end with a forced induction to learn 'proper manners'. The gowns are more than they seem thanks to the animated thread and ribbons, allowing extremties to be maniuplated through wrapping ribbons around others or being used as tentacles. Beyond this, they are impossibly durable and can take full punches and swings from blunt instruments with hardly a flinch.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The cult seeks to influence the goddess Cariyanna into speaking well upon their practices and spreading their tenets at a much faster pace.

Anyone can be beautiful, with a little work.

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Fabrics, Dressies, Cover-Ups
Notable Members

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