Style Guide - Colors

Written by kaixabu

Primary Colors

Description Name RGB HEX Variable
Primary Silver RGB(170, 170, 170) #aaaaaa primary-color
Header Gray RGB(120, 120, 120) #787878 header-color
Secondary Payne's gray RGB(90, 100, 110) #5a646e secondary-color
Highlight Payne's gray RGB(100, 110, 130) #646e82 highlight-color
Border Davy's gray RGB(80, 80, 80) #505050 border-color

Banner Colors

Dim gray rgb(101,108,115) #656c73
Cadet gray rgb(151,160,166) #97A0A6
Anti-flash white rgb(235,240,242) #EBF0F2
Night rgb(13,13,13) #0D0D0D
Electric blue rgb(136,242,242) #88F2F2
Persian orange rgb(217,144,102) #D99066

Additonal Colors/Accents

The process I used for this Theme

Step 1: Make full page image of Your BBCode Style Guide.
Step 2: Use image color picker extraction tools (I used three for best coverage) to generate selection.
Step 3: Combine results to get your palette.
Step 4: Use Dev Inspector to grab main background colors
Step 5: Use image color inspector to get Banner and Logo, if any, colors.

My extraction Results

Adobe Color

Color Palette Extractor

Coolors Tip: I had to add as many columns as it allows before loading image, for a good spread.

Combined and Grouped




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