Style Guide - Overview

Provided as a template to get you started.


Provide a brief introduction to your world or setting. This section should give a snapshot of the world’s essence—what makes it unique, the themes it explores, and the overall atmosphere. Mention the purpose of this style guide and how it will help creators maintain a consistent and immersive experience across their work.  


Describe the tone of your world—whether it’s lighthearted, dark, epic, or whimsical. This section should help creators understand how to keep the narrative voice and emotional resonance consistent. Is the tone formal or conversational? Is there a mix of humor and seriousness? Clarify here.  


Outline the perspective from which the world is presented. This could be first-person, third-person, or an omniscient narrator. Consider whether the perspective is subjective, focusing on individual characters’ experiences, or objective, providing a broader view of the world. Include notes on how to maintain this perspective across different types of content.  


Explain how users should navigate through your world or site. Offer guidance on organizing content logically and intuitively, whether through menus, sidebars, or links. Highlight any specific paths or sequences that enhance the experience, such as starting with foundational articles before diving into more complex topics.  


Detail the visual style of the world, including any recurring motifs, colors, or symbolic elements. Provide guidance on the types of images that best represent the world, such as lush landscapes, gritty cityscapes, or abstract art. Emphasize how these visuals should align with the tone and themes of the world.  


Discuss the use of icons throughout the site. This could include symbols for different cultures, regions, or concepts within the world. Provide guidelines on consistency, such as using similar styles or color schemes for all icons, and suggest where they can be effectively employed to enhance navigation and understanding.  


Define the presentation of characters within your world. Consider the balance of details—what to emphasize, what to leave to the imagination. Include guidelines on character creation, bios, and how to maintain consistency in portraying diverse personalities, cultures, and roles within the world.  


Provide guidelines for describing locations in your world. Focus on creating a consistent sense of place, whether it’s through vivid descriptions, maps, or environmental storytelling. Discuss how to make locations feel distinct yet part of a cohesive whole, and consider the interplay between the world’s geography and its inhabitants.  


Outline how items, artifacts, and objects should be presented in your world. This could include weapons, technology, magical items, or mundane objects with cultural significance. Provide guidance on how to tie these things to the broader lore and how to describe them in a way that is consistent with the world’s tone and style.  

Additional Design Considerations

Discuss any other design elements that contribute to the world’s style, such as typography, layout, or audio. Consider accessibility, ensuring that the design choices support a wide range of users. Mention any specific tools or resources that should be used to maintain consistency.  


List any personal or world-specific preferences for how content should be presented. This could include preferred writing styles, common phrases or terminology, or guidelines on what to avoid. Encourage creators to consider how these preferences impact the overall coherence and immersion of the world.  


Explain how to handle content that is hidden or meant to be discovered by the audience over time. Provide guidelines on when and how to reveal secrets within the world, ensuring that these elements add depth without confusing or overwhelming the audience. Consider how hidden content aligns with the world’s narrative and pacing.  

Final Thoughts

Conclude with any last pieces of advice or encouragement for creators using this style guide. Reinforce the importance of consistency, creativity, and staying true to the world’s vision. Encourage creators to revisit this guide as their world evolves, adapting it as needed to reflect changes or new insights.

Showcase Pages

Some great examples of Style Guides:
  • Crimson Court
  • Galaxy Anvil
  • Hislariya
  • The Morning Realm
  • Ravare
  • As you can see, everyone does it a little different, depening on their needs. Just find what works for you and any co-authors.


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