Malleusforte is a settlement found in the north of Elona among the snowy mountains, this area is commonly inhabited by dwarves and gnomes.
The settlement is well-known for its production of dwarven steel which is used in a lot of the crowns armour and weapons, due to its strength and durability. Other than its production of dwarven steel it is also a great city for its production of armour or weapons made from dwarven steel and are a hub for all types of smiths to visit either find work or to help assist in their skills. Due to its high production rates, it often outsources ores and other materials from other cities and mining settlements nearby. This is often quite profitable for those settlements and they often only specialise in outputting the ore for Malleusforte.
Currently run by High King Soot Blackhand, he rules over the production of the city with a tight schedule making sure their output never falters and that all contracts are never dishonoured. All citizens of the city are treated with respect as long as they can pull their weight in society, no matter the job as long as they are doing it well they will be respected. Citizens that don't work are often shunned by other citizens where citizens that have no physical ability to work (old age, disability, etc) are treated normally.
90% of the population consists of either dwarves or gnomes, where the other 10% are human or humanoid (half-elves, halflings, etc). This is mainly due to the city being in the mountains and the work ethic of the city.
High King Soot Blackhand runs the city with the help of his "round table" as he calls it, which is his 8 officers that run separate parts of the city.
Most of the architecture used in the city is of dwarven design and is either made with stone and wood or just stone reinforced by steel.
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