
The man is strong, intelligent, and Janali does not know him. He might even win her confidence. Balius is an excellent bloodhound, steadfast in his faith to the Star Empresses. He is the perfect spy to expose Lady Janali.
Asonic, book 4
  Born to a farm hand's family in Dianalius county at the mid-eastern side of the Terran continent Balius preferred to spend time in the wilderness or with the hard-working honest folk that kept the empire’s citizens feed and comfortable. Working a vineyard or farm as he’d done all through his school years was satisfying, but he craved something more intellectual. He’d achieved high scores in his mandated schooling, enough to earn him the privilege of attending high education classes. His scores and field of studies continued to rise as he moved up in classes. He didn’t want to be a tutor or school professor and decided to serve the Star Empresses.   His dream was to become a full priest and given a small parish in a rural county. There he could be a little bit teacher, little bit friend, and little bit moral compass the farms and families in a region not unlike where he grew up. But the Star Empresses had something else in mind for him.   After joining the church he’d proven very capable in his studies. His faith was so strong he’d mastered the prayers and rituals in near-record time. The Star Empresses had blessed him with a strong mind, body, and faith letting him use their blessings to give healing and aid to those in need. His powers were such he was recommended to serve in Nacitas. It wasn’t long after arriving in Nacitas that Potentate Asonic had discovered him and took over his priestly training. Balius was amazed to learn that in the church one was only limited in rank by one's knowledge and skills. Under Asonic’s guidance, Balius rose to the esteemed rank of Quaestum. Potentate Asonic was so impressed with Balius he began grooming Balius to eventually lead the Perlustration when Asonic retired.   When Augur Optimus Janith elevated Balius to Potentate he was only a few months to a year from being elevated to a bishop Quaestum where he'd begin the arduous training to become a full Potentate. Potentate Asonic was sure Balius would become a Potentate in record time of three years.   Balius realized he missed just chatting with neighbors, a favorite pastime in the southern farms where he grew up. In Dianalius the families would often visit each other and just spend an afternoon chatting over light wines and snacks made from their own farms. Being an officer of the Perlustration came with a lot of isolation. The only other people that were willing to chat informally with him in the last year were other priests of the Perlustration. Only they didn’t want to simply talk about life, they were all intensely focused on their work. And speaking of interrogation techniques, tracing heretics, and reviewing confessions while not enjoyable was beneficial to improving his techniques for the Star Empresses.   Balius was surprised to find a kindred soul in Augur Optimus Janith

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Balius exercises regularly and is trained in a form of wrestling used by the church. He is naturally thin and tall with very little fat. His shoulders are slightly wider than his frame and he has long arms. He as excellent upper body strength from all the routine exercises which he enjoys doing.

Body Features

His skin is a brownish butterscotch-toffee hue. He has some darker patches like large freckles on his shoulders and upper chest.

Facial Features

His face is lean and clean-shaven. His facial hair is very fine and grows slowly. He wants to have a beard but since he cannot grow one he keeps his face neatly shaved at all times.

Identifying Characteristics


Physical quirks

He is right handed and walks on the balls of his feet. He moves so smoothly he can walk over young plants without damaging them. This walking style makes him essentially silent.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears the monk's habit and blue scapular of the perlustration at all times. He has a leather belt with workmen's' pouches.



suspected heretic (Important)

Towards Balius




church observer (Important)

Towards Janali




Balius is the Perlustration priest assigned to monitor Janali for signs of heresy. He arrested her in Nacitas.



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