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The Silver Wake Report 1091/3/16

Political event


Journal from “The Silver City Wake” (a newspaper article made in 1091 AI, celebrating the country’s 1000-year anniversary.)   Founded in the wake of the start of the Age of Invention, the Silver Technocracy emerged as a haven for thinkers, inventors, and visionaries. Its borders expanded steadily through diplomatic negotiations and strategic alliances rather than conquest. The nation's success in maintaining peace and stability can be attributed to a unique combination of factors.   the Silver Technocracy's commitment to diplomacy and dialogue has been an integral part of its foreign policy. Through skillful negotiations and cultural and technological exchanges, the Technocracy forged strong relationships with neighboring countries, cultivating an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. This approach enabled them to deftly navigate potential conflicts and maintain amicable relations, ensuring the preservation of peace across the region.   Another crucial aspect contributing to the Technocracy's prolonged peace is its emphasis on internal stability. The Technocracy's governance system, overseen by a council of renowned scholars and experts from various fields, ensures that power is distributed and decisions are made collectively. This decentralized approach, in conjunction with a robust system of checks and balances, has prevented the concentration of power and minimized the risk of internal strife.   For 1000 years now, the head council member Nikola has served the country. He manages his share of responsibilities decided between him and the council well. Some attribute the country’s remarkable peace to Nikola himself, a “god-killer” whose reputation for unmatched power struck fear into the hearts of potential adversaries. Recently, Nikola has decided to hang up his fighting ways and spend more time resting and doing his duties as council leader, which include providing guidance and strategic direction to the council, acting as the primary diplomat, representing the silver technocracy in negotiations and international affairs with guidance from the council. He works with the council on everything else related to internal affairs, trade, technological advancements, internal security, public relations, and a host of other jobs.   The Silver City Wake’s correspondent Galen asked Nikola for a comment on the Iron Empire, a country that has grown rapidly in the last 193 years, conquering a lot of territory from the Ancestral Guard.   He said, “Well, yeah. The Iron Empire does worry me. I've tried reaching out to the Emperor, but he declined to have an audience with me. I am slightly concerned that their growing military power is something that will threaten our nation in the next couple of years, as of 3 years ago, they signed a treaty with Haldor, Relinquishing control of the Haldorian plains as trade for peace. We’re thinking we may do something similar. They seem to really want land, which I can only assume is a direct result of their growing population and limited livable space. We’ve got things in the works that should stop them from invading us.”   We asked Nikola if he had any plans to develop the country’s military, in response to the Iron Empire’s rapid militarization.   He said, “Well. That’s a good question. On the one hand, The Iron Empire doesn't really threaten us at the current moment. As you know, Thanks to the efforts of the Council, we’ve had ‘safe bombs’ as our last resort of defense for the longest time” {bombs that don't harm the landscape, but deal damage to organic life delegated as hostile.} “We’re still in the early development of a new prototype mechanical soldier, the first of its kind by the way, one that can run off either Aetherite, Glacerite, or Lithium.”   We asked Nikola how long these prototype soldiers would take to develop, and if the country could handle the militarization of the Iron Empire in 5 years, which is an arbitrary number our correspondent Galan gave.   He said, “Another great question, you guys don't miss. Well, I would hate to involve actual people in a potential war, so once we get the designs finalized in maybe 3 years, we should have enough time to produce these soldiers, just in case. I have to carefully navigate the politics of this, as this country has never been heavily militarized. Our allies may think differently of us, having robot soldiers and all. Listen, thanks for your time guys, but I’ve got a meeting with the council in… 5 minutes.”   We thanked Nikola for his time.

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