BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Nikola is an artificer who is widely regarded as one of the most intelligent beings on the planet. He is a Vedalken, a race of blue-skinned beings that are not native to this world, which makes him stand out in a crowd. He is a man of many talents, having built or invented a large amount of technology his country uses, and has invented a wide range of devices and machines.   Standing at 188 centimeters tall, his blue skin and striking blue eyes match his distinctive Vedalken heritage. At an age when most beings would have long succumbed to the passage of time, Nikola's aging has been drastically slowed, he claims this is due to a consequence of his tumultuous past. He claims to have experienced cosmic battles, he claims he took on a whole army by himself. He also claims to have performed brutal killings of numerous dieties, as well as claiming to survive a collapse of a universe. as they can only be substantiated by his own accounts.   Arriving on Terra Novella over a millennium ago, Nikola became a pivotal figure during the Age of Invention, a time marked by his extraordinary achievements. The details of his early life remain shrouded in mystery, and while his claims of vanquishing gods are disputed, his undeniable contributions to society cannot be denied. With an extensive repertoire of technological innovations, Nikola laid the foundation for the Silver Technocracy, shaping it into the formidable nation it is today.   Once a fearsome warrior in his prime, Nikola's reputation on the battlefield was legendary. Clad in a suit of armor that served as both protection and weapon, he single-handedly decimated entire enemy armies, evoking fear and respect from friend and foe alike. However, the ravages of time have led Nikola to retire from active combat, dedicating himself to the pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of his country. His formidable suit of armor stands as a silent sentinel in his throne room, a chaotic workspace that serves as a testament to his brilliance and eccentricity. Diplomats and rulers reluctantly meet him amidst the clutter, their expectations of a refined setting shattered upon entering his realm of invention.   Nikola's family occupies a profound place in his heart. His bond with Lyra, his elven wife and a gifted inventor and empath, has been enduring and steadfast. Together, they have raised two children, Nikolai and Katya, who share their parents' passion for innovation and ingenuity. Nikolai and Katya possess a predominantly elven appearance, their slightly bluish skin reflecting their extraordinary lineage. Despite his role as a powerful leader, Nikola always prioritizes his family, often rearranging his busy schedule to spend quality time with them or involving them in important meetings and events. He guards their safety fiercely, willing to go to any lengths to protect those he holds dear. Recognizing their potential, many anticipate that Nikolai and Katya will eventually assume the mantle of leadership, poised to carry on Nikola's legacy of technological advancement and progress.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nikola possesses a tall and lean physique, exuding an air of athleticism and agility. His body, adorned with blue skin and greyish black hair, reveals signs of aging, yet his eyes remain sharp and piercing. Despite his Incredible age, Nikola is free from significant physical ailments or afflictions, his longevity and vigor a testament to his remarkable resilience.

Facial Features

See image

Physical quirks

As told by Nikola himself, "I have an advanced age likely through aquiring pseudo-immortality after killing too many gods in another universe. I likely ursurped their essence after their death."

Special abilities

Nikola is attuned to lightning and thunder, being completely immune to these effects. He is capable of summoning lightning and thunderous effects himself but refrains from doing so.   As said by Nikola himself, "I likely aquired these immunities after murdering gods, changing me into a diety of sorts. Not a diety in how you are used to them, as different universes have different ways the divine present themselves."

Apparel & Accessories

Nikola loves to wear blue and gold clothing.

Specialized Equipment

Nikola owns a specialized suit of armor, nicknamed the "Godslayer Armor". This suit arrived with Nikola when he first landed on Terra Novella for the first time.

Personality Characteristics


Nikola is motivated by his desire for progress and unity. He believes he can bring about a better world through technology and compassion.

Virtues & Personality perks

Nikola's virtues embody a resilient spirit and unwavering commitment to his goals. His first virtue is determination, a trait honed through years of solitude and facing unimaginable challenges alone. This unyielding resolve has propelled him to overcome insurmountable obstacles and accomplish remarkable feats.   In addition to determination, Nikola exemplifies ingenuity, possessing an exceptional capacity for creative problem-solving and innovation. His brilliance as an artificer allows him to envision and bring to life groundbreaking technological advancements that have shaped his nation and left an indelible mark on the world.   Lastly, Nikola embodies compassion, despite his formidable reputation and relentless pursuit of progress. His love for his family and dedication to their well-being underscores his capacity for empathy, as well as his commitment to fostering a sense of unity and support within his realm. Nikola's benevolence extends beyond his family, as he seeks to protect and uplift his people, using his knowledge and power for the betterment of society.   With determination, ingenuity, and compassion, Nikola stands as a beacon of resilience, intellectual prowess, and empathy—a leader whose virtues guide him through the challenges he faces and inspire those around him to strive for greatness

Vices & Personality flaws

One of his vices is a tendency towards workaholism, often becoming fully absorbed in his projects and inventions, neglecting his own physical and mental well-being. He can easily lose track of time and push himself to the brink of exhaustion, disregarding the need for rest and relaxation.   Another flaw that Nikola grapples with is an inherent stubbornness and an inclination to be overly self-reliant. Having spent a significant portion of his life facing challenges alone, he sometimes struggles to ask for help or delegate tasks to others. This can lead to undue burdens on himself and hinder the growth and potential of those around him who are willing to contribute.

Personality Quirks

Nikola possesses a couple of distinctive tics and quirks that add to his character's charm and idiosyncrasies. One of his notable tics is a habit of absentmindedly tapping his fingers on any nearby surface when he is deep in thought or contemplating a complex problem. This rhythmic tapping serves as a way for him to channel his mental energy and find focus amidst the chaos of his mind.   Another quirk of Nikola's is his tendency to mutter to himself while working on his inventions or engaged in deep concentration. These murmured dialogues often consist of snippets of ideas, calculations, or reminders, as he verbally processes his thoughts and plans. While this habit may appear eccentric to outsiders, it serves as a means for him to organize his ideas and reinforce his understanding of complex concepts.


Nikola maintains a meticulous level of personal hygiene, ensuring cleanliness despite his hectic lifestyle and cluttered workspace. If he is alone, he has a tendency to let his appearence go. He was once described as having a "sex offender mustache"



Father (Vital)

Towards Nikolai




Son (Vital)

Towards Nikola




Father (Vital)

Towards Katya




Daughter (Vital)

Towards Nikola




Wife (Vital)

Towards Nikola




Husband (Vital)

Towards Lyra



Neutral Good
Current Status
Leading the Silver Technocracy
Over 1400
Date of Birth
Lyra (Wife)
Current Residence
Silver City.
Short Grey, with black streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Wanna get pizza after this?"   "Its Nikola time"   "Stand back! I'm about to Nikola all over this place"


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