Church of Oghma Organization in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Church of Oghma

The Church of Oghma is a collection of clerics, monks, bards, sages, wizards, and specialty priests called lorekeepers devoted to Oghma, the Lord of Knowledge.   The common clergy within the Church of Oghma were referred to as loremasters. Acolytes were called seekers and senior seekers.   A seeker would be recognized as a true servant of Oghma when two priests discerned their true loyalty to the god.  
  • Titles for venerated members of the clergy included Loremaster -
  • Amanuensis
  • Loremaster Venturer
  • Loremaster Bold
  • Lore Scribe of the God
  • Wise Anticipator
  • Inspirator
  • Inspirator High
  • Atlar
  • Higher Atlar
  • Loremaster High
  • Loremaster Most High
  • Eye of Oghma
  • Divine Hand of Oghma.

  •   Titles specific to the Pursuers of Pure Knowledge in Mintar and Oghma's faithful in Sembia included, in ascending order -
  • Advocate
  • Accomplished Advocate
  • Loremaster of the Twelfth
  • Loremaster of the Eleventh...
  • Loremaster High
  • Learned One
  • Patriarch

  • Regardless of rank, followers of Oghma addressed each other as brother and sister.


    The Church of Oghma did not officially sponsor any knighthoods or military orders, but they often worked closely with the Harpers.   Some of Oghma's monastic orders include -
  • Order of the Gilt Laurel
  • Children of the Passive Voice
  • Fellows of the Forest
  • Companions of the Silver Springs.
  • Type
    Religious, Holy Order
    Controlled Territories


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