Oghma Character in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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An idea has no heft but it can move mountains. An idea has no authority but it can dominate people. An idea has no strength but it can push aside empires. Knowledge is the greatest tool of the mortal mind, outweighing anything made by mortal hands. Before anything can exist, the idea must exist.
— An Aphorism and common prayer of Oghma's Faithful
Oghma, also known as The Lord of Knowledge, was the Faerûnian neutral greater deity of bards, inspiration, invention, and knowledge. Oghma was the leader of the Deities of Knowledge and Invention and his home plane was the House of Knowledge. His symbol was a blank scroll.     Oghma was known to appear as a handsome, dark-skinned man in bright, resplendent, and stylish clothes. Typically his outfit included a tabard with projecting, ornamented shoulder plates, a cummerbund with an exquisitely beautiful scene painted on its medallion-shaped buckle, and open meshwork, point-toed boots with crystal teardrops dangling from the end of uppers, almost enough to touch the upraised toes.   On very rare occasions, Oghma appeared as a gigantic elderly man entirely cloaked by his long, flowing hair and beard, who flew through the air hurling spells.   Those who worshiped Oghma included artists, bards, cartographers, inventors, loremasters, sages, scholars, scribes and wizards—archivists, a generalist cleric prestige class, might pray to him as well. They could be of any alignment, unlike most neutral gods. They often wore Oghma's symbol, a silver scroll on a chain, as a necklace.
Related Locations
Temple, Near Spirewood

Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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