
Lineage of the Firstborn:

Born into a lineage of Elves known as the "Firstborn," Ailwin's roots stretch back to the very dawn of Elven civilization. His ancestors were among the first to awaken in the world, witnessing its formation and its earliest wonders.

A Gifted Youth:

From a young age, it was evident that Ailwin possessed a rare and extraordinary affinity for Magic. His innate connection to the mystical energies of the world set him apart even among his own people. Under the tutelage of ancient Elven wizards, he rapidly mastered spells and arcane secrets that would have taken others centuries to comprehend.

Guardian of Elven Lore:

As he delved deeper into the arcane, Ailwin became the custodian of his people's most sacred texts, artifacts, and rituals. He dedicated himself to preserving the rich history and magical knowledge of his Elven kin. The vast library he curated became a sanctuary of wisdom and a repository of the ages.

Eternal Vigilance:

Over the centuries, Ailwin assumed the role of a silent guardian, watching over the world with a vigilant eye. He would intervene when threats to the balance of nature and magic emerged, ensuring that the forces of light and darkness remained in equilibrium.

The Ethereal Connection:

Ailwin's magical abilities transcended the boundaries of the mortal realm. He forged profound connections with the ethereal planes, communing with ancient spirits, celestial beings, and enigmatic entities that dwelled beyond the material world. These interactions granted him insights into the deepest mysteries of existence.

Witness to Epochs:

Throughout his immeasurable lifespan, Ailwin bore witness to the rise and fall of kingdoms, the emergence of civilizations, and the shifting tides of magic. His memory was a living chronicle of the world's history, and his counsel was sought by monarchs, scholars, and heroes alike.

The Legacy Continues:

In the present age, Ailwin has chosen to share his wisdom with a select group of apprentices—gifted Elves who demonstrate the potential to carry on his legacy. Together, they stand as guardians of the world, protecting it from the encroaching shadows and preserving the delicate harmony of the realm.


Cover image: Ailwin by Necro


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