Arcane Watch

Origins of Vigilance:

The Arcane Watch has ancient origins, dating back to a time when misuse of magic threatened the balance of Empyria. In response to growing unrest, a council of wise and powerful mages established this organization, charging them with the solemn duty of regulating and safeguarding the use of magic.

Enforcers and Keepers of Peace:

At the forefront of the Arcane Watch are the Anti-Mages, individuals possessing extraordinary talents for tracking and neutralizing rogue spellcasters. Trained in the art of spellbreaking and suppression, they are the living barrier against magic gone astray. With their enchanted bonds and silencing abilities, Anti-Mages approach their duty with unyielding resolve, striving to maintain order and peace.

Silencers: Guardians of Balance:

Silencers, an integral part of the Arcane Watch, specialize in the silencing arts. They are responsible for monitoring magical academies, identifying any potential threats to the mystical equilibrium. In the case of rogue mages, Silencers are equipped with an array of magical artifacts, designed to neutralize spellcasting abilities while ensuring that the mage remains unharmed.

Fair Trials and Judicious Action:

The Arcane Watch's approach emphasizes fair and just proceedings. They understand that not all misuse of magic is driven by malice; often, desperation or misunderstanding can lead mages astray. As such, they conduct thorough investigations before taking action. Every mage accused of misuse is afforded the right to a fair trial and legal representation, a testament to their commitment to justice.

Seeking Rehabilitation:

The Arcane Watch believes in second chances and rehabilitation. Mages who are deemed as having strayed from the path are not immediately condemned to a life without magic. Instead, they are given the opportunity to receive guidance and mentorship to learn how to use their magic responsibly and for the benefit of all.

The Mark of Repentance

In the solemn chambers of the Arcane Watch, where justice is meted out with a tempered hand, the branding of a mage found guilty is a somber ritual. This mark, known as the "Mark of Repentance," serves as a tangible reminder of their transgressions and the responsibility they bear as wielders of magic. It signifies both a chance for redemption and a lasting stain on their magical legacy. The Mark of Repentance, a delicate rune of shimmering silver, is branded onto the mage's wrist. Its intricate design tells a story of wrongdoing and serves as a binding link to the Arcane Watch. This magical connection allows the Watch to monitor the mage's activities and intervene if their magic is ever used for harm. It's a constant reminder that they walk a fine line, and they must heed the lessons of their past.

Balancing the Scales:

In a world teeming with magical potential, the Arcane Watch remains the sentinel of the delicate balance between order and chaos, protection and aggression. They serve as a constant reminder to mages of the responsibility that comes with wielding such potent forces and ensure that the magic of Empyria remains a force for good.


The Daunting Path to Becoming an Anti-Mage

  Becoming an Anti-Mage within the Arcane Watch is a path fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment. These positions are not granted lightly; they are earned through years of rigorous training, unshakable loyalty, and an unwavering dedication to maintaining the balance between magic and safety.

The Application and Scrutiny:

To even begin the journey to becoming an Anti-Mage, one must first pass a stringent application process. Only those with a spotless magical record and a fervent desire to protect the realm from rogue spellcasters are considered.

Basic Training:

Once accepted, recruits endure rigorous basic training. They are taught the foundations of magical theory, combat, and defense, enabling them to better understand and combat the very thing they are sworn to protect against.

Advanced Spellbreaking Techniques:

After completing basic training, the real work begins. Advanced spellbreaking techniques are shrouded in secrecy, known only to a select few. Trainees must master the art of counterspells, the crafting and use of silencing runes, and learn to wield enchanted artifacts designed to suppress magic.

Combat and Survival Training:

Anti-Mages must be proficient in both magical combat and physical combat. They undergo intense physical training and combat simulations to ensure they can handle the most challenging situations. Their resilience is tested both in and out of the magical realm.

Study of Magical Arts:

Understanding the nuances of various magical disciplines is essential. Anti-Mages and Silencers are required to study magic extensively, from the benign to the nefarious. This knowledge allows them to identify rogue spellcasters and counter their spells effectively.

Unwavering Loyalty and Oath:

Trainees must swear an unbreakable oath of loyalty to the Arcane Watch and the law it upholds. They pledge to put the safety of their realm above all else and vow to use their powers judiciously and without personal bias.

Passing the Trials:

The most challenging part of their journey is the set of grueling trials they must face. These trials are designed to test their combat skills, knowledge, and resolve. Passing them signifies readiness to become an Anti-Mage.

The Final Decision:

Only a fraction of those who embark on this path succeed in becoming Anti-Mages. The final decision rests with the leaders of the Arcane Watch, who closely monitor the progress of trainees throughout their journey.


The Unyielding Gravity of the Silencer's Oath

  Taking the Silencer's Oath is a solemn and life-altering commitment. Those who pledge to uphold this oath understand the gravity of their mission, which is to protect the realm from rogue spellcasters who abuse their magical powers. The oath is more than just words; it is a binding contract of unwavering loyalty to the Arcane Watch and a promise to ensure that magic serves the greater good.

The Oath Itself:

The Oath of the Silencer is recited with the utmost sincerity and reverence. The exact words may vary among different Arcane Watch branches, but the core principles remain the same:   "I, [Name], in the presence of the Arcane Watch and the greater realm, solemnly swear to wield my powers judiciously and with unwavering devotion to the safety and protection of our land. I shall stand against the tide of rogue spellcasters, masters of dark arts, and those who threaten the harmony of our world.   I shall guard the delicate balance between magic and the mortal realm, ensuring that no harm befalls our people due to the misuse of the arcane.   I shall uphold the law, the integrity of the Arcane Watch, and the principles of justice without favoritism or prejudice.   For as long as I bear the reverse mark, I am bound to this oath, and the Arcane Watch is my unwavering family, protector, and guide.   Should I ever falter in my duty or betray this sacred trust, let the reverse mark brand my conscience and guide the hands of my brethren to bring me to justice."

The Reverse Mark:

The reverse mark is not merely an emblem of the Silencers; it is a binding magical sigil that signifies their allegiance to the Arcane Watch and the fulfillment of their oath. This mark is applied to each Silencer during their induction ceremony and serves as both an identification and tracking tool. It is enchanted to glow when the Silencer is in close proximity, and it can be used to locate an individual should they go missing or, in rare cases, turn rogue themselves.

Commitment to the Oath:

Once the Silencer's Oath is taken, there is no turning back. The mark cannot be removed or dispelled, and its power deepens with time and commitment to their mission. Those who betray the oath or use their powers for malevolent purposes are hunted down by their fellow Silencers, who use the mark to bring them to justice. This unwavering devotion to their oath ensures that Silencers are not only highly skilled in combat and magical arts but also dedicated protectors of the realm, with a personal and mystical bond that holds them to their sacred duty.

"Magic's Bane, Freedom's Shield"

Founding Date
4011 AD
Government, Law Enforcement
Ruling Organization


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