The Coastal Kingdoms

To the west

To the west of Faerundel, the sprawling coastlines are dotted with a collection of majestic coastal kingdoms. These kingdoms are a vibrant tapestry of culture, trade, and maritime prowess. Each one boasts a unique blend of traditions, landscapes, and history, shaped by their proximity to the shimmering seas.

Meridian Archipelago:

The Meridian Archipelago is a group of islands renowned for their artistic achievements and maritime culture. With azure waters and white sand beaches, these islands are home to master shipbuilders and skilled navigators. The people here are known for their extravagant festivals, showcasing their talents in music, dance, and storytelling.

Coralian Dominion:

The Coralian Dominion encompasses a vast expanse of underwater cities, built on the bustling coral reefs of the region. The more "passive" aquatic races call these cities home, conducting trade with surface-dwellers and sharing their unique, enchanting music and knowledge of the seas.

Stormwatch Ports:

Stormwatch Ports are a rugged and hardy collection of coastal settlements that have mastered the arts of shipbuilding and seafaring. They stand as bastions against the tempestuous storms that sweep in from the sea. The people here are known for their resilience, their penchant for trade, and their seafaring legends.

Seraphine Coast:

The Seraphine Coast is a place of ethereal beauty, with cliffs that plunge dramatically into the sea. Its inhabitants are known for their enchanting songs, said to be gifts from ancient sea spirits. The coast is also home to a reclusive order of bards and minstrels who sing of maritime legends and lost treasures.

Arcane Atolls:

The Arcane Atolls are a cluster of islands filled with enchanting mysteries. Arcane academies and mage towers dot the landscape, as these islands are home to powerful spellcasters and seekers of ancient arcane knowledge. Trade in magical artifacts and scrolls is a primary source of income for the kingdoms.

Emerald Shores:

The Emerald Shores are known for their lush, emerald-green landscapes. It's a realm of peace and prosperity, where the people have found harmony between nature and civilization. Agriculture and fishing are the primary sources of livelihood, and the shores are home to skilled artisans who create intricate jewelry and crafts.

Isles of the Drakonians:

The Isles of the Drakonians are a collection of islands inhabited by Dragonborn not belonging to any clan. They have formed powerful city-states and are known for their vast knowledge of the arcane and their treasure troves hidden within the islands' labyrinthine caves.

Stormguard Citadel:

Perched on a massive rocky outcrop jutting out into the sea, Stormguard Citadel is a fortress that stands as a beacon of maritime defense. Its inhabitants are a valiant and disciplined people who protect the coastal kingdoms from pirates and other threats from the sea.

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Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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