
Dragon Lineages:

Dragonborn are typically classified based on their draconic ancestry. These lineages include the Metallic Dragonborn, descended from noble and benevolent Dragons such as gold, silver, and bronze; and the Chromatic Dragonborn, whose bloodline traces back to the fierce and destructive dragons like red, black, and blue. Each lineage carries its unique characteristics and abilities.

Physical Traits:

Dragonborn are often tall and well-muscled, their scaly hides varying in color and texture, reminiscent of dragons. These scales are a source of great pride, as they reflect their lineage and personal history. They sport distinctive horns on their heads, elongated tails, and sharp claws, embodying their draconic heritage. Their eyes, though humanoid in appearance, gleam with an inner fire, further emphasizing their connection to dragons.

Clan and Honor:

Dragonborn society is organized into clans, with each clan tracing its lineage to a specific type of dragon. Clan loyalty is paramount, and Dragonborn are taught from an early age to value honor, duty, and respect. They live by a strict code of conduct and see dishonor as one of the gravest offenses.

Draconic Elders:

Within each clan, elder Dragonborn hold positions of wisdom and authority. These elders serve as advisers, leaders, and lorekeepers, passing down the history, customs, and teachings of the Dragonborn people. They are respected for their age and experience, and their words carry significant weight within the community.

Artistry and Craftsmanship:

Dragonborn have a deep appreciation for art and craftsmanship. They are skilled in various artistic forms, including intricate metalwork, sculpture, and vivid mural painting. Their creations often depict scenes from their history, dragons, and their mythology.

Draconic Language:

Dragonborn use a unique language, Draconic, for their written and spoken communication. It is a language known for its complexity and nuance, with a deep connection to the dragon deities.

Draconic Religion:

Dragonborn revere the dragon deities as their celestial protectors and patrons. These gods represent different aspects of dragonkind, such as strength, wisdom, and the elements. Dragonborn temples and shrines are often built to honor these deities.

Rituals and Celebrations:

Dragonborn have several important rituals and celebrations throughout their lives. These include the Rite of Passage, where young Dragonborn prove their worth to the clan; the Festival of the Scales, a grand feast celebrating the diversity of Dragonborn lineages; and the Day of Draconic Unity, a day of reflection and solidarity.

Encompassed species

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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