
Ancient Dragons and the Birth of Dragonborn:

Countless eons ago, when the world was young, there existed a race of immensely powerful and ancient Dragons. These dragons were the embodiment of elemental forces and ruled over the natural world with dominion over fire, ice, wind, and earth. They were revered as deities by some and feared as mighty forces of nature by others.

A Forbidden Alliance:

During the age of myths, a powerful and ambitious wizard named Drakaris sought to harness the power of the dragons. Despite the inherent dangers, he believed that by forming a forbidden alliance with a council of the mightiest dragons, he could unlock the secrets of their immense elemental Magic. Drakaris' reckless pursuit of power led him to perform a forbidden ritual, which fused his essence with that of the dragons.

The Birth of the Dragonborn:

The result of this fusion was the creation of the first Dragonborn, beings with the physical characteristics of dragons but the free will of mortals. These Dragonborn inherited the elemental magic of the dragons and were gifted with the ability to breathe elemental energy, such as fire, lightning, ice, or acid, depending on their lineage.

The Dragonborn's Purpose:

The dragons, initially angered by Drakaris' audacity, soon realized that the Dragonborn could serve as a bridge between their kind and the mortal world. They saw an opportunity to protect the balance of the natural world and entrusted the Dragonborn with the guardianship of ancient dragon knowledge, the preservation of elemental magic, and the maintenance of harmony in the world.

Dragonborn Society:

The Dragonborn established their own society, known as the "Council of Scales," where they studied the ancient ways of dragons and honed their innate elemental abilities. They organized themselves into clans, each representing a different elemental lineage. Dragonborn society was characterized by honor, loyalty, and a strong sense of duty to their dragon forebears.

Conflict and Betrayal:

As centuries passed, not all Dragonborn upheld their responsibilities with integrity. Some were seduced by power or ambition and sought to wield their elemental magic for personal gain. This led to conflicts within Dragonborn society and strained their relationship with the dragons.

A New Era:

Dragonborn are a rare but respected race. They have a crucial role to play as guardians of elemental knowledge and protectors of the natural order. The actions of individual Dragonborn continue to shape their society's perception among other races, as they seek to maintain the balance between the legacy of their dragon ancestors and their own free will.

Basic Information


Reptilian Appearance:

Dragonborn have scales covering their bodies, giving them a reptilian appearance. These scales can vary in color and texture, resembling the scales of the dragons with whom they share ancestry.

Horned Heads:

They possess horned crests on their heads, which can be small and pointed or large and curved, depending on their lineage. These horns may serve both decorative and defensive purposes.  

Powerful Builds:

Dragonborn have strong and muscular bodies, befitting their warrior-like nature. They are typically larger and more imposing than humans, with robust physiques.  

Clawed Fingers and Toes:

Their hands and feet end in sharp, claw-like digits, which they can use for both combat and everyday tasks. These claws are a testament to their dragon lineage.  

Glowing Eyes:

Dragonborn often have eyes that emit a faint, otherworldly glow. The color of this glow can vary among individuals, reflecting their dragon lineage.  

Breath Weapon Glands:

Some dragonborn inherit the ability to exhale a breath weapon, such as fire, lightning, or ice. These glands are often located in the throat and chest region, allowing them to unleash powerful attacks.  

Resilient Scales:

The scales that cover their bodies provide a level of natural armor and resilience, making them more resistant to attacks. Their scales are particularly tough on the upper body.  


Many dragonborn have long, sinuous tails that can serve as both a balance aid and a weapon in combat. The tail's length and appearance can vary between individuals.  

Muzzle-Like Faces:

Their facial features resemble a muzzle, with sharp teeth and a powerful jaw. This, coupled with their horns and glowing eyes, gives them a fearsome appearance.

Ecology and Habitats

Mountain Strongholds:

Dragonborn often build their strongholds in the mountains, taking advantage of the elevated terrain for strategic defense. The heights provide them with a clear vantage point to protect their territory.

Elemental Wards:

Dragonborn may construct special wards and altars dedicated to the elemental forces, especially those associated with their dragon ancestry. These may be used for rituals and to honor their draconic lineage.  

Drakeling Guardians:

In some dragonborn communities, the young dragonborn are tasked with guarding and caring for drakeling dragons. This fosters a close bond between the two species.  

Ancestral Sanctuaries:

Temples and sanctuaries dedicated to dragon deities or ancestral spirits are commonly located on mountaintops, where they offer prayers, perform rituals, and connect with the divine.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous Diet:

Dragonborn are primarily carnivorous, favoring meat as their primary food source.

Heat-Tolerant Digestion:

Dragonborn have a unique digestive system that can tolerate and even benefit from consuming foods at higher temperatures. They may consume meals that other races would find scalding.  

Adaptation to Raw Meat:

In certain cases, dragonborn can eat raw meat, similar to their distant dragon relatives. Their bodies can handle raw, uncooked food without the risk of foodborne illnesses.  

Hunting Rituals:

Hunting is an integral part of dragonborn culture. They engage in group hunts, tracking and ambushing prey together.  

Communal Feasts:

Dragonborn communities often engage in communal feasts and gatherings, where they share stories and celebrate their hunting successes. These feasts foster a sense of unity among the clan or tribe.  

Respect for the Circle of Life:

Dragonborn have a deep respect for the circle of life, understanding the necessity of predation. They take only what they need and use all parts of the animals they hunt, minimizing waste.

characteristics and features


Chromatic or Metallic Lineage:

Dragonborn often belong to one of two distinct lineages – chromatic or metallic. Chromatic dragonborn typically have scales in colors like red, black, or blue, and they may exhibit more aggressive tendencies. Metallic dragonborn have scales in colors like gold, silver, or bronze and tend to be more benevolent and protective.  

Elemental Affinity:

Dragonborn often have an elemental affinity based on their lineage, such as fire, ice, lightning, or acid. This affinity may influence their abilities and personality.  

Resilience to Elemental Affinities:

Dragonborn typically possess a degree of resistance or immunity to the elemental affinity associated with their dragon heritage. For example, a red dragonborn may be resistant to fire, while a silver dragonborn may be resistant to cold.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Ethnicities


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Oct 5, 2023 04:03

Dragonborn have been my favorite fantasy race ever since I first heard of them. You, dear author have written them well.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Oct 10, 2023 12:03 by Romaine Ruddy

Thank you very much, i'm currently sitting with writers block lol, so havn't uploaded in a while.

Oct 10, 2023 18:00

I hate when that happens. I hope you get over that soon.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Oct 17, 2023 16:30

i have a race of dragons in mind but haven't put them in yet. i think they are mentioned in the dragon arts.

Oct 17, 2023 17:00

I'll make sure to check that out, GuardianDireWolf

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16