
Early Years:

Elzudel was born into a family of esteemed scholars, and from a young age, he exhibited an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an uncanny aptitude for the arcane arts. He and Valerian grew up together, their shared fascination with the forbidden mysteries of the world binding them as brothers and kindred spirits.

The Birth of the Arcanum Sanguinarius:

As they delved deeper into their studies, the siblings uncovered obscure references to a ritual that promised immortality and power beyond imagination. They became obsessed with this dark and elusive Magic, and together, they founded the Arcanum Sanguinarius with a select group of like-minded scholars.

Relentless Pursuit of Immortality:

Elzudel's ambition was unparalleled, and he firmly believed that immortality and the power of Vampirism were the keys to achieving godhood among mortals. He dedicated himself to unlocking the ritual's secrets, believing that the knowledge they'd gain would elevate them to unparalleled heights of power and influence.

The Willing Sacrifice:

In a moment of audacious resolve, Elzudel volunteered to be the willing sacrifice required for the Crimson Ascension. He viewed this act as a necessary step to unlock the godlike power the scholars of the Arcanum Sanguinarius sought. His selflessness was driven by the conviction that the knowledge and strength they'd gain would set them apart as divine beings.

Legacy of the Arcanum Sanguinarius:

Elzudel's selfless sacrifice marked a pivotal moment for the Arcanum Sanguinarius. The order, now under Valerian's leadership, had changed forever due to the dark knowledge they had acquired. They withdrew into the shadows, becoming secretive and enigmatic figures in their fantasy world, wielding powerful magic and immortality but forever haunted by the choices they had made.

Circumstances of Death
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Global cover by Necro