Eternal Expanse

Realm of souls:

The "Eternal Expanse," is a mysterious and enigmatic place that exists beyond the mortal realm, shrouded in an endless expanse of darkness. This void-like domain is devoid of any sound, light, or tangible substance, creating an eerie and ethereal atmosphere. Within this realm, time holds no sway, and existence is eternal, transcending the boundaries of mortal life.

The Void of Silence:

The Eternal Expanse is characterized by its profound silence, a deafening absence of sound that echoes throughout the void. It is a realm where no voice can be heard, and even the faintest whisper is swallowed by the infinite darkness. This silence creates a sense of solitude and introspection for the souls that reside within.

Freedom from Pain and Fear:

Within Thane's realm, spirits find solace from the burdens of mortal existence. Pain, fear, and suffering are nonexistent in this ethereal plane, allowing souls to experience a state of tranquility and peace. It is a refuge from the struggles and hardships of the living world.

Eternal Existence:

Time within the Eternal Expanse is infinite and unchanging. Souls in this realm exist in a perpetual state of being, free from the constraints of mortal lifespan. It is a timeless sanctuary where the concept of past, present, and future loses its significance, and existence stretches into eternity.

Awaiting Judgment:

The souls of the departed dwell in Thane's realm as they await their final judgment at the end of time. Here, they reflect upon their lives and deeds, seeking redemption or acceptance of their fate. It is a place of introspection and contemplation before the ultimate reckoning.

Transcendence and Mystery:

The Eternal Expanse holds a sense of mystery and transcendence, with its boundless void symbolizing the vast unknown beyond mortal comprehension. It is a realm that sparks curiosity and contemplation about the nature of existence and the afterlife.

The End of Time:

At the culmination of all things, Thane's realm serves as the final destination for souls, where their ultimate fate will be decided. It is a realm of transition, marking the end of one journey and the beginning of another, as souls move forward into the cosmic cycle of rebirth or transcendence.

Dimensional plane

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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