
Thane, the God of Death and Afterlife

In the pantheon of the gods, Thane stands as the solemn and revered deity of death and the afterlife. His presence is a constant reminder of the inevitable journey that all mortals must undertake. Thane's domain extends beyond the mortal realm, and he holds a crucial role in guiding souls to their ultimate destination.


Thane is often depicted as a tall, hooded figure, draped in flowing robes that shimmer with a ghostly, ethereal radiance. His face is obscured by the shadows of his hood, and only his piercing, glowing eyes are visible. These eyes, like twin orbs of moonlight, are said to hold the wisdom of countless eons.

Realm of the Afterlife:

Thane's realm, known as the "Eternal Expanse," is a empty black void, a place were no sound nor sight exists. Spirits in this realm are free from pain, fear, and suffering, and find comfort in their eternal existence. This is were the souls of the dead await their sentence at the end of time. Once judged, Thane guides them to their appropriate domain where they will reside for eternity, be it a place of tranquility or suffering.

Guiding Souls:

When a mortal draws their final breath, it is said that Thane himself appears to gently guide their soul from the world of the living to the Eternal Expanse. He is often accompanied by ethereal guides, spirits of loved ones who have gone before. This transition is seen as a peaceful and necessary part of the cycle of life.

The Keeper of Secrets:

Thane is also known as the Keeper of Secrets. It is believed that he holds the knowledge of every soul's journey and the destiny that awaits them in the afterlife. Mortals who seek to communicate with the departed often offer prayers and tributes to Thane, hoping for his guidance and favor.

Festival of the Eclipsed Moon:

In his honor, a grand celestial event known as the "Festival of the Eclipsed Moon" is celebrated. During this event, it is believed that the barrier between the mortal realm and the Eternal Expanse grows thin, allowing for fleeting glimpses of departed loved ones. Families light candles and share stories of their ancestors, and it is a time of reflection, reverence, and celebration of the journey from life to the afterlife.

Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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Oct 20, 2023 17:58

i really like the way he is depicted here. cause most of the time beings like thane are feared for obvious reasons but he just seems comforting. kinda like a long horse but not really.   more like a better version of Anubis even though i like Anubis better

Mar 28, 2024 15:33

This reminds me of a video by a YouTuber named Tale Foundry. The video was about the concept of "Death" as a character in fiction. He divides characters like this into three categories, Malevolent, Ambivalent, and Benevolent. This guy strikes me as something between ambivalent, and benevolent. All in all, this was very interesting to read. Keep up the good work!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16