Lilith's bargain

The Fateful Bargain:

Lilith, with her beguiling allure and promises of untold secrets and cosmic knowledge, enticed the ancient Dragons to the negotiating table. They were wise and formidable, but their insatiable hunger for knowledge and power led them to the bargaining chamber.

The Offer of Cosmic Secrets:

Lilith offered the dragons access to her forbidden knowledge of the cosmos, the intricacies of the stars, and the unfathomable mysteries of the universe. In return, she sought their eternal guardianship over the Shrouded Dominion, a dimension shrouded in perpetual night, where the moon was forever full, and the stars shone with an eerie, blood-red glow. Some dragons did not trust the mysterious deity and abandoned their elders.

The Sealing of the Pact:

With an oath bound by cosmic Magic, the ancient dragons agreed to their role as guardians of the Shrouded Dominion. Their scales became obsidian, and they took on an eerie, faint spectral appearance. They were now tethered to the realm, their duty to ensure that nothing, be it mortal or deity, could enter or exit the cursed dominion.

The Creation of the Veil:

Lilith did not stop there, to keep the dragons within her realm and hidden from the mortal world, she wove a powerful enchantment known as the Veil Between Worlds. This enchantment acted as a barrier, separating the Shrouded Dominion from the realms inhabited by mortals, ensuring the dragons' isolation and secrecy.

The Eons of Imprisonment:

For countless eons, the dragons remained within the Shrouded Dominion, cut off from the mortal world and the passage of time. They watched as the world outside evolved, their knowledge growing increasingly distant and irrelevant.

The Unanswered Questions:

While the dragons fulfill their role as guardians, they ponder the true nature of their bargain with Lilith and the purpose of their imprisonment. Some seek a way to break free from the Shrouded Dominion and return to the mortal world, while others embrace their role as enigmatic protectors of the deity's domain.

The Current Era:

The existence of the Shrouded Dominion and its dragon guardians remains a well-guarded secret. Few mortals know of the ancient dragons' imprisonment within Lilith's dimension, and those who do consider it a mythical tale.

Completion Date
3936 AD
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Oct 12, 2023 16:44

in the creation of the veil. the first sentence. she did not stop their. their should be there. just letting you know.     i really like this too

Oct 12, 2023 18:23 by Romaine Ruddy

thx, i wasn't sure of the wording there.