Shrouded Dominion

The Realm Beyond Reality:

The Shrouded Dominion exists outside the boundaries of the mortal world, hidden in the cosmic tapestry that wove through the fabric of reality itself. It was a place known only to the most intrepid explorers and the most daring of mystics, a realm shrouded in obscurity and forbidden allure.

Eternal Nightfall:

Within the Shrouded Dominion, the concept of day and night held no meaning. Instead, the realm was perpetually veiled in darkness, with a sky that bore an ever-present, full moon. Its light illuminated the landscape, casting an otherworldly glow upon the land that never knew the touch of daylight.

The Crimson Constellations:

The stars that adorned the Shrouded Dominion's night sky were like no others in the mortal world. They shimmered with an eerie, blood-red luminescence, casting a haunting and spectral radiance upon the realm. Each of these crimson stars held secrets and whispered tales of eldritch power.

Black Dragon Guardians:

The Shrouded Dominion is guarded by a cabal of ancient black Dragons, each a formidable and intelligent guardian of the realm's secrets. These dragons are both protectors and keepers of the realm's ancient knowledge, and they are known to be wise and enigmatic beings with a deep understanding of the arcane.

Mysteries and Aberrations:

The Shrouded Dominion was a realm of enigmas and aberrations. Its landscapes were twisted and surreal, with sprawling forests of obsidian trees, rivers of blackened ink, and mountains that seemed to defy gravity. It was a place where the laws of reality were malleable, and the impossible became possible.

The Moonlit Citadels:

Amidst the eerie landscapes of the Shrouded Dominion rose ancient citadels, fortresses, and keeps bathed in the perpetual moonlight. Each protected by the vigilant gaze of the black dragons. These mystical enclaves are said to house forbidden knowledge, powerful artifacts, and enigmatic beings who have taken refuge in this shadowy dimension.

The Portal Seekers:

Throughout the ages, a select few individuals from the mortal world became known as "Portal Seekers." These daring adventurers and mystics were driven by an insatiable curiosity to uncover the Shrouded Dominion's mysteries. They sought enchanted gateways, cast ancient incantations, or seek hidden rifts in reality left behind during The Great Cataclysm that could transport them to this elusive realm.

The Perils and Rewards:

For those who braved the perilous journey to the Shrouded Dominion, there were both rewards and dangers. The realm offered untold knowledge, arcane artifacts, and the promise of power beyond mortal imagination. Yet, it also presented the risk of becoming lost in its eternal night or falling prey to the eldritch entities that called the realm home.

A Realm Beyond Time:

Time within the Shrouded Dominion flowed differently than in the mortal world. Those who ventured into its depths might emerge to find that centuries had passed, or only moments had elapsed. It was a place where the boundaries of reality, time, and space blurred into one another, making every journey a gamble.

Dimensional plane
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