
Origin of the Curse:

The origins of lycanthropy are lost to the mists of time, obscured by ancient myths and whispers of forbidden Magic. Some say it was a curse unleashed by a vengeful deity, while others believe it emerged from an ill-fated experiment by a group of reckless sorcerers.

The Afflicted and the Moon's Call:

Lycanthropy typically afflicts mortals, binding them to the cycles of the moon. Those cursed with lycanthropy become known as lycanthropes, or simply, "Werewolves." During the full moon, they undergo a horrific transformation, their bodies contorting into that of a massive, powerful wolf.

The Curse's Varying Strains:

The curse comes in different strains, each corresponding to a different species of lycanthrope. There are werewolves, werebears, werepanthers, and even more exotic forms of lycanthropy. Each strain possesses unique abilities and weaknesses, making them formidable adversaries and potential allies.

The Perpetual Struggle:

Lycanthropes often live in a constant struggle to control their inner beast. During the full moon, their feral instincts take over, and they become a danger to themselves and others. This relentless battle for self-control is both a curse and a defining aspect of their existence.

The Hunt and the Hunted:

Lycanthropes are often the subjects of fear and persecution. Villagers and hunters form moonlight patrols to track and eradicate these creatures when they transform. In response, lycanthropes sometimes form secretive packs to protect and support each other, carving out their own isolated territories.

The Quest for a Cure:

Throughout the ages, those afflicted with lycanthropy have sought a cure for their curse. Sages, healers, and alchemists have dedicated their lives to unlocking the secrets of the affliction. Rare and magical ingredients are rumored to hold the key, but the path to a cure remains perilous and uncertain.

Embracing the Curse:

Some lycanthropes, rather than seeking a cure, embrace their condition, seeing it as a source of strength and power. They form alliances with other supernatural beings and harness their abilities for various purposes, be it protection, revenge, or dominance.

A Dark and Enduring Mystery:

The curse of lycanthropy remains an enduring mystery, an enigma woven into the very fabric of the world. Its origins, its purpose, and its potential implications on the balance of power continue to captivate the imaginations of those who dare to delve into its shadowed depths.

Affected Species


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Sep 27, 2023 16:56

is that an AI generated image cause i see a literal third leg

Sep 29, 2023 18:52

there is no longer a third leg