
The Curse's Origin:

Long ago, during the Rise of Empires, a powerful sorcerer known as Varkul unleashed a dark and forbidden Magic upon a small, secluded village nestled deep within a primeval forest. Varkul sought immortality, but his ritual went awry, invoking the wrath of the very forest itself. In response, the forest cursed him and all his descendants to become the first Werewolves.

Lycanthropy's Legacy:

The curse of Lycanthropy, passed through bloodlines, transformed those afflicted into beings that were part human and part wolf. During the full moon, they would lose control, surrendering to their primal instincts and becoming savage, wolf-like creatures. In their human form, they bore the mark of the curse—a crescent moon-shaped scar, signifying their connection to the cursed bloodline.

The Dual Nature:

Over time, the Werewolves learned to harness the power of their curse, mastering the art of transformation and control. During the full moon, they became formidable hunters, but in their human form, they possessed heightened senses, agility, and strength. This duality became integral to their culture and survival.

The Pack and the Alpha:

Werewolves lived in tightly-knit packs, bound by loyalty and a strict hierarchy. Each pack had an Alpha, the leader chosen for their strength, wisdom, and ability to control the curse. The Alpha maintained order within the pack and ensured that members did not lose themselves to their wolfish instincts during transformations.

The Hunt and the Wild:

As hunters of the night, Werewolves played a vital role in the balance of the wilderness. They kept the population of dangerous creatures in check and protected the ancient forests from those who would harm them. Despite their fearsome reputation, they were often seen as guardians of the natural world.

The Cursed Bloodline:

The curse of lycanthropy was both a burden and a legacy for the Werewolves. They struggled to find acceptance among other races due to their beastly nature, and many had to conceal their true identities to avoid persecution. Still, they held onto their traditions and sought ways to control the curse's influence over their lives.

Seeking a Cure:

Throughout the ages, some Werewolves embarked on quests to find a cure for their affliction, hoping to break the curse that bound them to their dual existence.

Basic Information


Hybrid Form:

Werewolves have the ability to shift between two distinct forms. In their human form, they appear as regular individuals. However, when they transform into their Werewolf form, they undergo a dramatic change. Their physical anatomy is a powerful hybrid of human and wolf features.

Wolf-like Physique:

In their Werewolf form, they gain a tall, robust, and muscular body covered in coarse fur. Their limbs become strong and agile, allowing them to sprint and leap with incredible speed and strength.  

Wolfish Head:

Werewolves possess a wolf-like head, complete with a prominent snout.  

Claws and Fangs:

Long, razor-sharp claws extend from their fingers, and their fangs are formidable, designed for biting and tearing.  


A bushy and wolf-like tail extends from their lower back.

Ecology and Habitats

Wilderness and Forests:

Werewolves are often associated with remote and untamed environments such as dense forests, rugged mountains, and desolate moors. These regions provide them with cover and a sense of seclusion.

Caves and Dens:

Some packs of Werewolves establish hidden dens or caves in which they reside during their wolfish transformations. These locations offer shelter and protection during daylight hours.  

Remote Villages:

In some legends, Werewolves are depicted as creatures lurking on the outskirts of remote villages. They may reside among humans, blending in during the day and transforming in more secluded areas at night.  


As predators, Werewolves play a crucial role in the ecosystem of their habitats. They help control populations of prey animals such as deer, boar, and smaller mammals.  

Pack Behavior:

Werewolves often form packs, adopting social structures similar to wolf packs. They cooperate in hunting, protect their territories, and exhibit loyalty to one another.  

Territorial Instincts:

Werewolves are territorial creatures, marking their domains with scents and boundaries. These territories often overlap with other supernatural beings, leading to territorial disputes.  

Human Connections:

Despite their wild nature, many Werewolves maintain human connections, either by living in or near human communities. They may be drawn to family, friends, or loved ones.  

Mating and Reproduction:

Werewolves are known to seek mates, often leading to the creation of new Werewolves through birth or the transmission of the curse.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Normal Human Diet:

In their human form, Werewolves can eat a variety of foods, and their dietary habits are indistinguishable from those of regular humans. They can enjoy cooked meals, social gatherings, and normal human interactions without any unusual dietary restrictions.

Carnivorous Cravings:

During their wolf-like transformations, Werewolves experience intense carnivorous cravings and may find it difficult to control their urge to hunt and feed. They may hunt for fresh prey, such as deer or wild boar, and consume the meat raw. These habits can lead to territorial disputes with other supernatural beings that share their habitats.  

Feeding on the Hunt:

Werewolves may develop hunting habits in their wolf form. They use their enhanced senses to track and capture prey, feeding on their catches during the night. This allows them to satisfy their carnivorous instincts and obtain the nourishment they need.

characteristics and features



Often triggered by lunar phases, intense emotions, or external factors. The shift between forms is usually accompanied by a surge of power and heightened aggression.  


Werewolves have increased durability and stamina, making them more resistant to physical harm. They can endure strenuous activities for extended periods.  

Fur and Coloration:

Their fur varies in color, including shades of brown, gray, black, or a mix of these colors. The fur provides them with protection and insulation against the elements.  

Enhanced Senses:

Werewolves possess heightened senses of smell, hearing, and night vision. Their keen abilities allow them to track scents, detect distant sounds, and see clearly in the dark.  

Strength and Agility:

In their wolf-like form, they gain immense physical strength, agility, and speed. These attributes make them formidable in combat and adept at hunting.  

Voluntary Transformation:

Some Werewolves can control their transformations and shift between forms at will. This control enables them to harness their enhanced abilities strategically.

Scientific Name
Discovered by

Cover image: Werewolf by Necro


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Oct 18, 2023 20:57 by Ephraïm Boateng

Decided to read the article since werewolves are my favorite mythical creature and was pleasantly surprised by how well it was written. I also really like the balance you gave them between their civilized human side and the more savage wolf side. Really cool!.