Primordial Abyss

A Cosmic Abyss:

The Primordial Abyss is a vast, churning void that predates the creation of the mortal and divine realms. It exists as a chaotic rift in the cosmos, a place where the laws of nature break down, and reality itself is torn asunder. Within its depths, there is no light, only an eternal, starless night.

Chaos and Malevolence:

The Abyss is the embodiment of chaos and malevolence. It is a maelstrom of dark energies, swirling and colliding in a never-ending turmoil. Unimaginable horrors and monstrosities are born from this chaos, taking shape as the Demons.

Rifts and Portals:

Throughout the Abyss, rifts and portals connect to other realms, allowing the Demons to breach the barriers between dimensions. These rifts serve as the conduits through which the Demons enter the mortal world, bringing their malevolence with them.

The Demonic Dominion:

In the deepest and most chaotic regions of the Abyss, the Demon Lords have established their own dominions. These are nightmarish realms, where the laws of reality are shaped to their malevolent desires. Each Demon Lord's domain is a reflection of their particular aspect of darkness and corruption.

Sealed Yet Ever-Present:

Though the Primordial Abyss is sealed off from the mortal realm, its influence persists. It is the source of dark Magic, forbidden knowledge, and the enduring legacy of the Demons. The Demons themselves, while imprisoned, continue to whisper temptations and offer power to those who seek it.

Eternal Struggle:

The Abyss represents the eternal struggle between the forces of light and darkness. While sealed, the Abyss serves as a constant threat to the balance of the world. It is a place of cosmic significance, a reminder of the ever-present battle between order and chaos.

Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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Oct 17, 2023 11:57

This is just better than my abyss. The only thing about mine that i havent gotten to is that it is where new gods go to train.   If i try anything more then there will be cosmic threats but they are hard to do. Almost every cosmic threat cant be precived because we only have a human mind or cant be described. So its hard to get inspired by things that dont exist.